Who taught you how to ride a bike?

I was instructed to get on the bike.

Me: You'll catch me if I fall?

Sister: Sure!

So, I got on the bike and guess what? She didn't catch me=[ Surprise, surprise!

It was pink and purple with a basket and little stars and moons on the wheels-we got it from the neighbors=D
I was about 5-6. My dad taught me.
Mine was blue and silver. It had a basket and and a tiny horn.
The horn broke when I fell into thorny bushes.
My dad thought me when I was about 7-8, I think.

My first bike was pink and white and it had a basket in the front.

What was YOUR first bike like?
I taught myself.

My bike was red,black,and white.

On my first try riding it,i kinda ran over my cat on accident.
o_O my mom was pissed....

I think she scared me so much she made me wet my pants "-.-
My dad bought me my first bike (Pink and purple with streamers and training wheels) When I was 8 or so. Went well until he took off the training wheels, in which case I cruised straight into the truck, lmao.
My mom. When I was 6. It was a pink one. I was so scared because at first my dad was teaching me but then my mom took over so I was okay.
My mom taught me, but it took a long time so she put training wheels on. And that's how I really learned. My bike was red with streamers coming out of the handlebars, and a bell. And I loved that bike!
i taught myself. it was yellow and it didn't have a basket.

i think my dad stole it from the neighbors.
My dad, but he turned away for a moment and I ended up cruising down the driveway and into a ditch on the other side of the road.
My first bike was red and my dad taught me how to ride it. It had a basket too.
My dad, but he turned away for a moment and I ended up cruising down the driveway and into a ditch on the other side of the road.