I need some basketball and volleyball tips.?

I'm fixing to start my 2nd year playing middle school basketball and I play post. I was wondering if you could give me any tips to help me in the season. and for volleyball I can't pass the ball to my intended target. any suggestions. plz and thx.
Okay thanks. Okay you solved my volleyball problem. but I still have one problem left with bball. I play 5 and I can't handle the ball very well. When I get the ball at the post. I immediatley bring it to the away ear and the pivot from there on I am afraid to dribble the ball for fear of losing it so I either "try" to shoot or pass it back out. and when i do dribble i can never get around the defender. I know everyone is going to say is practice your moves and dribblibg and i no that but what can i do?
also thanks for all the tips. i may be asking more questions soon so keep a look out for me
A very good practice for both basketball is training your legs for jumping so you can block in volleyball and basketball. Ankle weights help, or you can just do something simpler such as do step-ups with a backpack full of heavy books.

However, if you play point guard in basketball, you may want to practice your dribbling the most. Dribbling with a tennis ball will turn you into a professional in no time. Lay up practice can be standing in front of a hoop and making one handed shots over and over again. It helps if you have a partner to practice with you so they can pass you the ball as you run in for a lay up.

I'm not really sure how I can tell you how to pass better, but I always hit the ball on my upper forearms right in front of the person I'm passing to. Setting is pretty self explanatory and you will get better as you play.
hit the volley ball with your arms flat...not your hands or it will bounce in a whole different direction! also get a volley ball that is not really hard (has too much air in it) and not so soft that it won't bounce. test them on your own and feel them when you are about to pick the volleyball for your team. also when you serve. i like to use my wrist. hold the ball(if your a rightie) and so hold the ball with your left hand.....lower it and use your right hand wrist to hit the ball gentley as if you are bowling it and it should work perfectly. Practice makes perfect. By the way, try going to volleyball practice if they give that in school. lol


this is good!!!!!!!!!!!

its also a good idea to watch how the pros play :)

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For basketball ...i dont know anything about posting or how to box people out but i know because i see people doing it..you need to get reboundss ..how to practice???hmmmm..well get a ball and miss on purpose and try getting the rebounds..do it for like 5 to 10 minutes a day ...

For volleyball its a bit different..when you try to pass try hitting the balll upwardd and toward your target bumping it is a bit harder...