Attention Lesbians!!!!!!!?


New member
Dec 7, 2008
How do you feel about a girl with a couple tattoos?? Attractive, disgusting, what are your thoughts?

I'm a femme lesbian with two tattoos, one small one on my foot, one medium one on my ribs, just want to know what the general consensus is??
i am femme too and got only two but not planning more, yours is cool even though i have no idea what it looks like but sure it won't turn me off if i see u nude, xoxo
i think theyre sexy.
might be because lotsa lesbians have them hahah
like gina gershon's in bound. or Alice in the L Word.

yeah..they're hot if they're done right.
I love tats and have 9 myself. I think if they are tasteful and in good body :)
I love tats and have 9 myself. I think if they are tasteful and in good body :)
i have a tattoo on the back of my neck so it would be kinda hypocritical of me to reject anyone just because they have a tattoo....(unless it was something gross or that i found inappropriate)
if they can pull it off and they are not huge then i have nothing against it.
I love tattoos personally. If you like them, that is all that matters. You won't want to hang out or be with people who don't like you for who you are anyway. The people who matter like you for you!