chocolate substitute?


New member
Feb 23, 2008
unfortunatly, im alerigic to chocolate but im in luv with it. i dont have it all the time, but its nice for a little snack. thanks!
im alergic to the coco bean
Oh, that sucks! Get some's a good substitute for actual chocolate and good for you to boot. You can find it in all kinds of things (chips, squares, cookies, etc.) at your local health food store. It doesn't taste bad, either- it's actually really good and lots of people like (or sometimes prefer) it to chocolate
Oh, that sucks! Get some's a good substitute for actual chocolate and good for you to boot. You can find it in all kinds of things (chips, squares, cookies, etc.) at your local health food store. It doesn't taste bad, either- it's actually really good and lots of people like (or sometimes prefer) it to chocolate
what are you allergic to in chocolate bc there are chocolates you can have that have different ingredients from normal chocolate
hmm sadly nothing comes close to chocolate
but caramel is also good even though its nothing like chocolate
i feel for you i really do
hope it helped=]
wow your missing out my friend.
penut butter has to be the next best thing.
or almond butter on toast. mmmmm
Go to a health food store...there you can get candy made with carob...tastes quite similar!!
what is it in chocolate you are allergic too? is it the milk ingredients? you could try soy chocolate
celery :) the crunchy stick of deliciousness, chocolate is the devils preferred mid-meal snack.
im soooooooooooooo sorry. i cant live w/out chocolate. i dont think there are any choco subs but i hope u find one!