Why is my cat sick?


May 17, 2008
I have a cat and shes 12 or 13. We took her to the vet because she WOULD eat but then shed either through it up within and hour or shed have really bad diarrhea. The vet did blood work and everything came back fine so. The vet thought it was inflamed boules so she gave us steroid pills to give to her. Its her6th day on them but shes still throwing up and having diarrhea.

People who know what there talking about PLEASE ANSWER!!!!
no offense but if you don't really know or just want to give m an idea, don't. im not trying to be rude i just want to try something that wont waste my time.
The vet said she wasn't suffering and said not to put her down.
Since she started all this she went from 14 pounds to 9 pounds.
Shes not super skinny since she was sooo fat before. I need help.