Is it dangerous to go to a Fitness Center with this Swine Flu outbreak?


May 14, 2008
I work out at a gym on a regular basis, I am from CT, we arent too far from New York where there are cases, and you would think a gym would have lots of germs from everybody sharing equipment.
NO don't be afraid . Take some wet wipes if you want to clean the machines first. Just work out and stay healthy. They are just trying to make us all fearful DON'T allow it.
yes, it wouldn't be if people had manors and would stay home when they are sick...
Hmmmm..... Interesting i doubt you will get swine flu there. Just stay clean make sure you always wash your hands and carry hand sanitizer so you can use after every thing you use.
Swine flu swine flu! all they ever talk about swine flu is how many people have it,and how many died from it!!I mean really at least talk on how toavoidd and if u get it what would happen if you got.At least you dont have to go, looking like a doctor with mask.
I am in florida. I still go to the gym. It is germy but stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing.
Do you go to the gym during regular flu season? Yes. This flu is nothing to worry about.
Do you go to the gym during regular flu season? Yes. This flu is nothing to worry about.
this whole swine flu thing is blown WAY OUT OF PROPORTION!!!!!!
you people all need to stop worrying.. people only died in mexico cause there isn't as good health care. no one in the US has died, and they're all recovered or recovering just fine.
Make sure you take Extra precautions – It is just like a normal flu wash your hands before and after as well as the equipment, don’t touch your eyes, nose, or ears and you should be okay. Ask the Gym what kind of precautions they are taking as well.