Is this a new trend, or a one time thing?


New member
Feb 2, 2009
So a baby in the neighborhood was named Anutha. Her middle name is Beautiful.

"Anutha Beautiful (last name)"

No kidding.
Is phrases a new baby name trend? Have you heard of this before?
I once worked with a Precious Love Walker (yes that was her LEGAL name since birth). She used to joke that she had no idea what her mother was thinking when she named her (no her parents weren't hippies) but that she had had more than one offer to take up a second career in the adult entertainment industry.
I don't even understand this "phrase" of a baby name. I am quite perplexed. I hope it's a one time thing!
exactly what is that suppose to be saying?

and yeah i've seen some "phrase names"...i think it's corny as hell. Parent who do that are looking for attention for themselves not their kids, how sad.
i dont know if you wuld call it a trens but i want my babys name to be something like thoes;_ylt=AnzCVm9K.OHVVBzhoIl9wmR47hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20090420101636AAgs52j&show=2#yan-answers
That is just mean! I've heard of that many times. I don't understand how parents think that doing that is a good idea.

I once saw a little boy named "Carrion." Carrion...really? Apparently, the mother didn't know that Carrion means "DECAYING ANIMAL!" People: Know the meanings of words before you try to name your baby!!
yes some what, theres a boy in my neighborhood who was supposed to be the last child so he was named dalast "da last" although the family had another kid
LOL! that's great. Some other great names I've heard: La-a (pronounced Ladasha xD), Dafinest Blackman (yes, that's really his name. Dafinest is his first name, Blackman is his last name xDD), Rhombus (as a first name)...
No, that's definitely not a trend. Never heard this. Gotta feel sorry for the kid, though.
Ugh, I hate when people do that! I don't think it is a trend. I think it is just something some parents do because they think its 'cute'.
If your asking if it is common to use a word like Beautiful as a name then I would say yes it is fairly common. As a teacher I have come across many names including, Heaven, Liberty, Joy, Happy, and Love. The name Joy is actually a very common name but if you think about it it is also a common word.
why change the spelling..they should just go with........... Another beautiful blessing..............