Do you think the Democrats are using Sarah Palin to tar the Republicans?


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Dems continue to think evoking memories of last year’s McCain- Palin campaign remains a useful tactic for tarring the GOP among swing voters as harsh and divisive.

The latest: Virginia Democrats are planning to go on the offensive today against GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell by using comments by Mike Huckabee, in which he seemed to disparage North Virginians, to remind voters of similarly controversial comments about Virginia by Palin and the McCain campaign last year.

Huckabee was recently caught on video by the Virginia Dem tracker at a rally for McDonnell, where he said that “some folks up there near the Beltway” don’t think the “same way folks like you and me think.”

The Virginia Dems are set to unleash a Web vid hammering McDonnell, a self-styled centrist candidate who Dems regard as far right, by airing the footage of Huckabee and similar McCain-Palin campaign comments.

“You remember the Republican strategy for winning Virginia last November?” the vid says, going on to air then-controversial footage of former McCain spokesperson Nancy Pfotenhauer describing the non-northern parts of the state as the “real Virginia.”

It then airs Palin’s infamous quote: “The best of America is in these small towns we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call Real America.”

“The Republican Party,” the ad concludes. “No New Ideas. The same failed divisive attacks.” Full script here.

It’s another sign that Dems remain convinced that Palin — and memories of the harsher moments of Campaign 2008 — remain a major turnoff to swing voters.
Hater Police: Excellent answer
No. If Palin and her folks would go away and stay away... she would have an opportunity to re-introduce herself. Palin and her family have done DOZENS of interviews since the election. They are in no position to pretend they want their privacy.

Dems are not particularly interested in Palin. We believe the other high profile GOP members will take her down long before she gets near the nomination. Pity.
Of course. The liberals love to beat a dead horse...or is it a donkey. Oh who cares.
Why not use the ammo the GOP was so kind to arm us with? 8^) (You should blame the GOP for their failed policies and their divisive rhetoric; otherwise, the Dems wouldn't have that ammo to use.)
No. If Palin and her folks would go away and stay away... she would have an opportunity to re-introduce herself. Palin and her family have done DOZENS of interviews since the election. They are in no position to pretend they want their privacy.

Dems are not particularly interested in Palin. We believe the other high profile GOP members will take her down long before she gets near the nomination. Pity.
I don't understand why Democrats keep bringing her up.She is gone and will not be heard of again during election times. Just like most other politicians that have lost an election. The only reason Dems bring her up is because they are intimidated by her.
No dear Gideot did it all on her own even the campaign manager called her a wacko job because she did it her way that even made the geezer pissed.
The "Dems" haven't said ANYTHING about Sarah for a long time - nice fantasy.
It's just the taboid media - who have made Sarah and her extended hayseed family a permanent fixture due to their continuing hijinx.
Right now the Republicans don't really have a leader. There isn't one person who really stands out ideologically from the pack, no one who inspires people. That is good for the Democrats, they can say, "see, the Republicans don't have a leader, what do they even stand for?" So, when any Republican kind of stands out from the crowd, be it Palin or Jindal, they (and the liberal media) jump on them like a pack of wolves. If they can beat them down and scare them off, all the better for the Democrats.
I'm a democrat and I don't use Sarah palin for that. In fact this time I voted for McCain out of spite for what these so called "democrats" allowed him [Obama] to do to Hillary. Republicans were nicer to hillary than the democrats and they pretty much can't stand the clintons.

Thats what turned me off from the democratic party this go around. I have never seen such vicousness from the republicans. I mean it was really really evil to me.

And I see it everyday on here. Democrats acting like children and just basically making fun of republicans. Not talking about issues.

At least the republicans can talk about how overspending can hurt. I can't overspend anything in real life. If I don't have the money I don't get it.

That sounds alot better to me than. Republicans are white racist trash, uneducated and WAR mongers!

See the difference there.
The Democrats made it very clear that the only role a woman should have in the White House is baking cookies.

There's nothing scarier to them than a woman who succeeded without their help. If other women start to realize that it's possible, they lose their entire base.

They won't stop talking about Palin until they successfully frame her as the second shooter on the grassy knoll.
Sarah Palin and her entire family are the cause of the intense media stir.... no one and nothing else. Levi Johnston talking about his sex life with Bristol on TV? , etc.
Palin is in the media 24/7. What gives?? Leave her alone already,she lost,let it go. Stop the BS,I could care less about what Bristol is doing! You see,this is proof positive that the left uses whatever it can to paint the right dirty.Sorry,not buying.