How do I disable parental GPS tracking on Sprint (family locator)?


Active member
May 12, 2008
So basically, my parents track me every single time i leave the house using Sprint's family locator. Is there any way i can turn this off so they wont be able to track me?

Or does anyone have any ideas of what I can do so i wont be tracked? I dont really like the idea of not bringing my phone with me, cause i DO like calling them to let them know where i am and that im doing fine! I'm 17 by the way. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!
Don't take the phone. Tell them you'll be happy to check in with them during nights out when they loosen their grip a little.
Go to your settings and turn your GPS location off..thats what i 17 doesnt exactly allow them NOT to track your phone but it will throw off your location..

Go to your settings and turn your GPS location off..thats what i 17 doesnt exactly allow them NOT to track your phone but it will throw off your location..

and if you figure out anythng else, let me knw!!
I am 30 and my problem is that my boyfriend has this all set up to track me every where go. The only thing I have been able to do in order to keep from being tracked is turn my phone off. I usually say that it was a battery thing but, really it is a control issue. If you leave your phone on they will be able to look up online in your data to see where you have been anytime your phone is on.
if u want to no

Turn off ur location then ur phone can b on and u can't be tracked it will tell them u r by the nearest cell tower so u could be 20 miles away and they won't no
^ why u asking someone what there doin?^ ur a creep. I work at sprint. Turn off gps and data. They can't track u. If they look online it will say "unavailable" parents call bitching all the time bc there kids figure it out. Bs u have to do this in the first place. Work hard, save money and get your own phone, car, etc. Its a liberating feeling. Trust me. I was in your shoes when I was 17 and it sucked REAL BAD. Good luck.
^hey I Got a Question mine say E911 only wat Does That Mean ? And the "use Wireless Networks" & "Use GPS Satellites" Off Is That Good Enough ? How Do I Know If There Still trackinq mee ? && Uhm wat bout thaa data off ? -.-
download the app gps fake location u can put what location u want on there
Im sorry that you all feel that way. It's not true that it's all about control issue. I'm a mother too and I know how your parents feel. It makes us feel more secured knowing your child whatever age you may be is safe. That they just care so much for all of you to pay more money just for their peace of mind. When you become a parent yourself ,then you will realize how much you are willing to do, just for your daughter's safety. With so much rape, killing and abuse going on, i cant blame them from being over protective because at the end of the day, its still worth it for us because we parents love our kids. You are all lucky that you have good parents who cares.
Parents nowadays smply wanna know where there teenagers are... deal with it...or get your own phone and pay your own bills!
Pay for your own phone and no one will track you.

i couldn't agree more, im in my first year of college did nothing all throughout high school and because i don't call them in a week they pull this 1984 shit on me. Work hard and get a job, pay for your own luxuries and they won't be able to tell you anything
Your 17... Still a snot nosed minor trying to hide crap from the very people paying your phone bill. Don't lie and they won't have to treat you like a liar.
Get off of your parents' cell phone plan and get your own. Their cell plan, their rules...period.
^ why u asking someone what there doin?^ ur a creep. I work at sprint. Turn off gps and data. They can't track u. If they look online it will say "unavailable" parents call bitching all the time bc there kids figure it out. Bs u have to do this in the first place. Work hard, save money and get your own phone, car, etc. Its a liberating feeling. Trust me. I was in your shoes when I was 17 and it sucked REAL BAD. Good luck.
You're obviously not a parent. When you have a teen remember this moment.
hey since you work at sprint can i get a name on are number that text me telling me shit and calling my job
It's not just 15-year-olds trying to go to sneak off to parties that have this problem. I have friends, all of them female, who are in college and have their phones tracked by their parents, in addition to relentless calling and generally unhealthily obsessive behavior. None of them, living with their parents, were ever allowed to leave their house unsupervised, save for school. Most of them don't drink or behave frivolously, and they'd be fine working and buying their own phones, but having the ball and chain are usually requirements for maintaining contact with their family, having their tuition paid, and having a place to live outside of school. Sure, they could try to sever their ties with their parents, but they wouldn't be able to pay for their schools, be a successful student (which leads to all those lovely job opportunities), and might not even be able to provide for themselves (economy and all).

And don't assume all parents are rational actors. Not all of them are. And in the cases of my friends, most of their parents are physically abusive. Yes, some of them have contacted social services, but they still can't help them with the aforementioned problems.

I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND where most of you are coming from. If I had a teenager, I'd want to know everything they were up to, as well. But tracking phones can easily become abusive for, especially girls, who are trying to break out of stereotypical roles and be independent. Tracking phones doesn't protect them from harm- it just helps oppress them. If you're worried about teenagers, there's an easy solution that my parents used all my life (and I am a /guy/)- you could just never let them leave the house. (To this day, I still haven't walked around my block.)
hii, im 17 && my dad put the tracker on my phone, i have the ZTE Fury. i have the GPS turned off on my phone, does that mean he cant track me or is there anything else i can do ? thanks :)
I am a mother and I have two daughters in college. tonight they are at a party did they get home ok? I sure hope so! It's not all about controll it is about your safty too. I know they are going to partying, that's what college kids do right? Exactly why I'm not sure peer pressure or brain dead I would have to guess. Your suppose to go to College to use your brains not to kill them!
That dosent mean I have to like what they are doing either but if I know where they are going and an expected time when they will be home. If they are not where they have told me they will be. I have a starting place to start looking!
Have you heard about little Jessica, in westminister,Colorado? If her parents had had tracking on for her she might not have been missing for 5 days to be found dead in a ditch and dis membered!
It's not just little girls either! Have you see the movie "taken"! A bit unrealistic but it happens. Not all of us have assissan killers for fathers to come and rescue us. That is more like the dreams of every father that has ever had a daughter that has gone missing.
Give your parents a hug and tell them thank you for careing so much. Be more honest with them and work together with them, they will proabably trust you more.