My boyfriend is so picky, but needs to eat healthier. He's a meat and...


Active member
May 11, 2008
...potatoes kind of guy, I need help!? He has a fast metabolism, so he's not overweight. But his diet is beyond horrible. He goes through 1-2 liters of pop a week, chinese food, pizza, etc. If it's greasy, he eats it.

Here's the thing. He's a 23 year-old BABY. If I tell him it's something new, something different, he WILL NOT EAT IT. But if I tell him "Oh it's just chicken" then he'll eat it. He won't ask for healthy foods and won't even buy them, but if they're in the house (I put them there) he will eat it.

I started making baked chicken that I bread in my own breading. I bake it so it's not cooked in oil. Basically, I have to "trick" my boyfriend into eating healthy. He wants to eat healthy, but claims he doesn't like the taste (Which clearly, he does. I just can't tell him because he's such a baby!)

What other things can I make for him that are low in fat, and healthy? He's a typical guy, he loves his protein. I've never made steak before, but I'm a pretty good cook and catch on quickly. I know it's a little fatty but there's good protein (he goes to the gym)

I'll cut up the chicken next time and tell him it's chicken tenders. Lol seriously he has the diet of a 4 year old, and could live off macaroni and cheese and hotdogs if I let him!

What are some ideas that I could make him for dinner? Nothing too eccentric, because he just doesn't like that stuff.
sheloves_dablues - He asked me to help him eat healthier. And if you think drinking 2 liters of pop a week, greasy pizza, greasy chinese food, and fast food is a healthy diet, then I would stay out of this section of Yahoo Answers. Chinese food and pop are no where on the food pyramid.
Lprod - Lol your answer made me laugh! He claims he "doesn't like soup" which I find funny, because all soup tastes DIFFERENTLY. He doesn't eat fish, and won't eat vegetables.

You know, the more I think about what I just typed the more I realized, I think this is a lost cause lol..