I need some motivation for weightlifting and eating healthy...?


New member
Aug 24, 2008
I'm 16, male, 5'10-ish, 140 lbs (high metabolism). I am skinny but I don't have a muscular body. Here is my problem: I want a muscular body really bad, I really do, it will boost my self-confidence. But here's the thing, I'm so lazy when it comes to actually lifting weights and eating a good diet. I know that once a week lifting will get me no where. But I honestly just tell myself "tomorrow" or "I'm too tired" something like that. I want a nice body with abs but I can't find any motivation for myself to stay at a nice lifting program. I also can't find the will power to eat healthy and cut out unhealthy snacks and junk food. I need some serious help here. Please give me some motivation or something that I can think of that will make me want to lift regularly and eat a healthy diet. Please give me any tips on finding the will power. Thanks guys and girls.