What If someone Gossips, Rumors Things About You?


New member
Feb 14, 2008
I'm not talking high school here but grown adults.

I was raised not to gossip or meddle in people's affairs.
I was taught respect, and love.

Now, I have someone a good friend that gossips about me to everyone and things even made up about me.

I never say a word about her, as on the end I know silence and kindness is golden. Your thoughts.
If you no the truth ,,just smile, because truth win's every time , It's all just sad, because. when people {FRIEND's} hear Gossip, or lie's about their friends it changes the way we look at our friends, but a TRUE , Friend, WILL stay a TRUE Friend ,, Utill they no the truth, then they can make a CHOICE, and I think your Golden
I think you need to rephrase the phrase "good friend." I am 48 years old and I had to learn about that phrase the hard way. Mostly, I learned from my daughter who is now 29 years old on how to handle and "know" someone is actually your friend. I would rather have 1 "good friend" that I "know" is valuable and true than several. I used to be a person who always wanted to be with people. After being in the work force for almost 20 years consecutively, I learned that sometimes not only is silence and kindness is golden but being too silent sometimes can cause things on the inside to pile up. Sometimes, I have had to let people know that I am to be respected and yes, it was tough but it worked. When a person lies, the red flags go up instantly. How can trust grow or be maintained in lies. It hurts because some people I love dearly I have found out that they gossip and lie. I have also experienced that if a person talks and gossips about someone else to me, what makes me think I am so darned loved by them that they won't do me like that. Therefore, I find a confidante, mainly my daughter, who gives some good advice and sometimes I just need for her to listen at my booh boohs or my days I need to b****. There are family members other than her that I would not tell them a darned thing because I do not trust them. There have been times when God has given me the red flag and antennas that I am getting ready to talk too much or have said enough.

I don't know how old you are but please read this carefully. I don't know how you met this friend but it goes for all of them and especially, especially co-workers. There is the microwave conversation that are originated while the food is brewing that can be very, very intense. I notice people talk about the family (including spouses) and all during that brief time. Do we think it could cause a dilemma because it is so brief. Yes, it can because it's hurried and we don't have time to think. Then there are the lunches or TV breaks together and you are in a relaxed mode for opening your mouth and talking about things that others do not need to know. I have had girlfriends talk about their romances and that is definitely out because if you are not careful it could get back to your Long John Silver or Get Shorty. Some of my biggest heartaches and headaches have come from co-workers visiting my home for occasions like baby showers or house warmings. I don't care if you have the baddest house of all times in which mine I feel was quite nice because she could not stop talking about it. I am not a bragger so I never talk about what I have. It's only lent to me anyway. I remember once I had just started to work in a new office and found my daughter was pregnant and this person seemed so kind (on of those good sustahs in the Lord - all good sustahs are not phony I need to add; some are good sustahs but need to mature also) and was nosing my business but I could not see or most of all listen to the Spirit of God about co-workers visiting my house. I invited her and no one else out of the office because I trusted her - wrong. Of course, she came not just that time but another time without calling me just before she came. With a new baby you don't get a chance to do a lot but my place was clean; I would have put a few more finishing touches to it though. She came again being nosey but I felt it was okay. A year later, I noticed these hints would come out when she was undercovered angry with me. By then she too had purchased a home that was single family and there were there slurs about not having a single family home with a yard. However, I had always been the person who was encouraging to her about advancing education to soar to another position and she would get angry; calling me a Know-it-all. Soon, there were more slurs and comparisons about what she had and on the sly about what I did not have. I learned then what another co-worker's husband said one time who is a minister - "Lord, those people who need to come over my house, my ultimate privacy or even ride in my car, send them please. However, those who don't need to come or ride, let them get lost; something come up or they change their minds. Whatever, Lord keep them away from my dwelling (those that should not be there). We need to remember that because when people come over they are not always happy for you or just being plain nosey. If it's nice it can become like with me, an invitation to hating/competition and if it's not or then that opens the door to slurs later on.
If you don't want to hear that all darned day think twice before you tell a co-worker because you cannot escape working with them. This sustah sat right next to me and many times pretended she was on the telephone so she could slyly do some more clues. Once, I did have to get down on her about her behavior and of course it was a big mess at work. That's why I am super, super careful about telling my business at work and anywhere.

Sometimes even my own mother has talked about me and I have turned around and found my own father making gestures behind my back as if I was an idiot during my young adult years. He also used to go and tell the neighbors while I was caring for my invalid mom that I did not do anything and my peers were off to college and me managing a house and caretaking at 18-21. Yes, it hurts but make sure you take care of you and not let people know all your business. Watch a person and listen. God will let you know when you are going to for; just listen.
here's the deal people are going to believe what they want to believe no matter what you do but my fiance has taught me that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself so if you want to confront her and let her know how you feel if not just put her in a box along with the rest of the people like her in the world
well, i just answered this question for you, because you just posted another one just like it, so check the other question. :)