Are claims to virginity and the wearing of a purity ring just another way to...


New member
Jun 18, 2008
...flaunt your sexuality? I see people claim to be "virgins". Sometimes they add "proud" at the beginning of that as if to increase the value. I also hear a lot about purity rings.

The thing is, as soon as you start to discuss the purity ring or virginity you are in fact talking about sex. Well, yes, the lack of sex, or abstinence from sex. But isn't this just a way to wear your sexuality on your sleeve?

I think of purity ring, and I instantly think of what the person is claiming to not do. I think of virginity, and I think of the qualities that make a virgin valuable, and that means SEX. Well, sex because of the assumed lack of STDs which can be passed on or damage the reproductive organs. But stil...virginity equals sex. Purity rings equal sex.