Need to know everything there is to know about the PSP and "her" mod chips?


New member
Mar 15, 2009
To make a long story short i've been having no luck finding a reliable online store to purchase a mod chip for my PSP. Simply put every store I visit claims they're sold out.

Is there some story to this...? The UP mod chip has been out for about 2 years now and I haven't heard any major problems so its somewhat mysterious.....

As a side note I'd like to know everything there is to know about PSP modding and homebrew. I already know what the two terms "mean"..... I just need to know about where to buy a chip / installation services, any negative effects mod chips have on the PSP itself, why I can't seem to find an in-stock chip anywhere, and anything else you might know (or deem "important" or "interesting")

Its the only real reason I want a PSP actually.

so....hit me with some knowledge plox.