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Type: Posts; User: Andy

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  1. on espier 7 (on android) how do i remove the colours that are around each app?

    it makes the apps look very unprofessional, plz help
  2. Replies

    Runes for Katarina in LOL?

    list the runes plz
  3. Replies

    How to play Katarina mid in lol?

    and an item build?
    and thank you for answering
  4. Atheists, what would you say if one argues...?

    ...that God can't be proven by Scientific, tangible, and empirical evidence because "Science only deals with the material Universe and God is outside the material Universe "? In other words, material...
  5. How do people get back on their feet after travelling abroad?

    Can anyone who's ever traveled oversees on a working visa tell me what they did to get back on their feet once they came home?
    Where did you live afterwards?
    Do most people (young people) move...
  6. Is there any such thing as a SECURED travel miles card?

    I just got my first credit card about 6 months ago, a starter card from my bank with basically no benefits.

    I know that I don't have enough credit history to get approved for one the airline or...
  7. My friend is offering to introduce me to several ladies. What is the best...

    ...thing to do? I asked my friend if he knows any attractive ladies who may be interested in me. He has sent me an email saying he knows several.

    I would actually like to meet them all, then see...
  8. 10 Points - Will my buddy get grievance pay (Canada)?

    Mu buddy was recently fired from his job of 2 and a half years working in a mine. He was fired with cause (showing up late to many times) and he tried to fight it since he claims he has a sleeping...
  9. Does my buddy have a chance at getting his job back?

    He was terminated from his job in the mine. He's been there 2 and a half years. He was fired with cause for sleeping in & showing up to work late BUT he has a sleeping disorder & mild depression. He...
  10. Please suggest good websites for moon sign based astrology or horoscope predictions?

    For weekly and monthly predictions.
  11. How can I get a customer service job with Telus?

    I have tons if retail & customer service experience, I have even worked in a electronic store before. So how do I go about getting a job with Telus?

    I heard you have to take a online course with...
  12. Can you get a month-to-month plan with bad credit with Telus?

    I'm not talking about signing a full contract where I get a free or cheap phone. I already have a smartphone and I want to set it up on a month to month plan, but I have bad credit.
  13. Will Telus let me sign a contract with bad credit?

    I don't owe them any money, in fact, I just paid them in full for an old bill. It was outstanding for 2 years though but they have been paid. So will they're me sign a contract without a deposit???
  14. Will Telus let me sign a contract with bad credit?

    I don't owe them any money, in fact, I just paid them in full for an old bill. It was outstanding for 2 years though but they have been paid. So will they're me sign a contract without a deposit???
  15. Can you get a month-to-month plan with Telus (Canada) if you have bad credit?

    I already own the phone, I just don't have good credit & pay-as-you go is just a rip off.
  16. If I owe Telus money, will other phone carriers like Bell, virgin, or Rogers...

    ...deny me a phone plan? (Canada)
  17. How can I overlay an image using Movie Maker (adjusting the start times...

    ...and end times)? I know I have to click on "properties" to adjust the length and width of the image I want to overlay and set it's duration. But, whenever I try to edit the settings, nothing...
  18. Replies

    Do i need a Fuse for a HID KIT?

    ok do i need to add on a fuse like a 10 amp fuse to the kit, and a relay?
    is it ok to use the kit without a fuse or relay, is there any harm?
    im dropping in some HIDs into my fogs (H3C)
  19. Replies

    Female Help Please its important!!!!!?

    Okay so my last one got delted and its important so please dont delete it yahoo!

    Okay so today on the way home from a school trip (im 16 by the way) These two girls and i were in tha back of the...
  20. If a car is going really fast and doesn't have a spoiler attached, does it fly?

    My cousin said that if a racecar is going fast (like 150-200 mph), and it doesn't have a spoiler, it will lift off the ground. However, I'm still skeptical. Do racecars really "fly" without...
  21. Replies

    You have to work the safety issue. You have to...

    You have to work the safety issue. You have to stress how important it is for YOU to be able to contact them whenever you might need them. And, stress the fact that they can ALWAYS find you. It...
  22. Left side speakers on my 2004 bmw 525i don't work?

    Hey everyone,
    just wondering if anyone knows about this.. the right side speakers are fine but the left ones don't wanna work anymore. just happened while driving.. no clue whats going on..
  23. Replies

    not really cause the minute you log on, you gonna...

    not really cause the minute you log on, you gonna get caught and banned. ;-)
  24. Replies

    If it is a public school, i would say definately...

    If it is a public school, i would say definately not because it is illegal. But if it is a private school there is a tiny chance. But most likely you are just recieving interference from all the...
  25. Replies

    If it is a public school, i would say definately...

    If it is a public school, i would say definately not because it is illegal. But if it is a private school there is a tiny chance. But most likely you are just recieving interference from all the...
Results 1 to 25 of 397
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