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Type: Posts; User: JD

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  1. why does my 2001 ford escape stop slow down when i press the petal then jump

    into going really fast? when ever i give it some gas it drops speed then jumps into a really high gear
  2. Replies

    how do people get famous?

    All my life I have felt lead to sing. I know that people are discovered by youtube and all sorts of ways. But I want to know the simplest there one? I feel like I need to be heard.
  3. Replies


    i have the irig for the ipad which i use all the time i was wondering if i could use the irig adapter on the pc and use the amplitube on my pc with it
  4. Replies

    Iphone service questions?

    ok so i might want to get iphone i have samsung a737 now and i hav a family plan so how much would it cost to get regular minutes(i dont talk much so i dont really care how many minutes), unlimited...
  5. Replies

    Iphone Plan Questions Need Answer!?

    Ok Now I Might Get An Iphone I Have A Family Plan. Now Here Is My Incredibly Simple Question. If I Want To Get Unlimited Internet Access And Some Talk Minutes, How Much Will I Be Paying A Month. I...
  6. When are they equal? A sale at [50% off plus an additional 25%] and a sale of 60-80%?

    Alright, let's say there are two separate sales...

    - One is "50% off items, and additional 25% off" (NOT the same as 75% off - It's 50% off, then another 25% taken off afterwards)

    - Another...
  7. Replies

    rip off Reinstall yourself. Buy the OS if you...

    rip off
    Reinstall yourself.

    Buy the OS if you can't find the disc or if you had a bootleg ripoff OS to start with.

  8. Why are the majority of actors and producers in Hollywood of Jewish origin?

    I don't have a problem with it, I'm a big fan of films and comedies in general. I'm just wondering how it happened to be that way. Is it a cultural thing? Is it just that the business was originally...
  9. does a dodge 360 & 318 use the same flywheel for a manual tranny?

    is one balanced at the crank and the other at the flywheel.Does different years vary for the bolt pattern for the flywheel & bellhousing
  10. My brother tried to jump his car and hooked up wrong wires 1998 chrysler sebring?

    Basically, my car will start, but the battery eventually runs all the way down of course and then nothing. all dash lights come on and things seem ok. i believe its just the alternator, but ive...
  11. Replies

    What type of printer do you have? Make and model

    What type of printer do you have? Make and model
  12. Havent you seen the doctor yet? You need to...

    Havent you seen the doctor yet? You need to scheudle one asap and start your prenatal care. If your LMP was 11/20/08 then your EDC would be 8/27/09.
  13. vacuum cleaner

    vacuum cleaner
  14. Replies

    do u wish u could change,i mean how u are?

    what about u dont u like?
    well for me,i wish i could be more of a people very quiet n 34 and still dont have what it takes to be free n enjoy life it seems? does that even make...
  15. I'd use the blue or black pen. I like dogs,...

    I'd use the blue or black pen.

    I like dogs, especially pugs or terriers.

    I love the morning, from 7am to noon -but I'm rarely up before 9am.

    I do not have a favourite board game - I do not...
  16. Replies

    my stereo player will not play rewritable cds?

    why wont my old cd player play rewritable cds?
  17. How Long does it take to pick up a Irish Accent?

    I am thirteen years old and live in the united states...if that changes anything but I will be going over to Ireland for a couple years. I really would like to pick up an accent from there. How long...
  18. Cell phone because it was actually cheaper to...

    Cell phone because it was actually cheaper to have then a home phone.
  19. i think its down with the sickness by...

    i think its down with the sickness by disturbed...

    at the beginning..they go.... uwa ah ah ah
  20. Replies

    help buying a camcorder please.hard drive JVC?

    im wanting to buy the jvc hard drive camcorder. it says 30GB but has a slot for a mini SDHC slot what is this slot? also is this a good camcorder?thanks
  21. Replies

    the sim card is a little chip that goes in the...

    the sim card is a little chip that goes in the back of the phone, and stores all of your contacts, and things of that sort.
  22. Replies

    Armour hunt for Spencer on MySims Kingdom?

    I have finished this game and i need to complete the final task the armour hunt! Already i have found:
    Breastplate of resistance
    Girdle of orge strength
    Gauntlet of dexterity
    Sinister boot...
  23. Magic trick stores in the Arlington Texas area?

    if you can find any tell me
  24. asdg

  25. desert speaks.anyone watch this show?where did it go?

    i was really into this show on HDTV and it just ended?anyone know what happened or why it ended?thanks
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