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Type: Posts; User: keri

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  1. Replies

    Questions about wireless internet?

    I have a wireless router in my house, and in my house there is a desktop computer and 3 laptops. 2 of the laptops work with the wireless router but not to long ago mine stopped working. it says...
  2. things to help you fall asleep NATURALLY??? BEST ANSWER 10 PTS****?

    music keeps me awake, i'm illiterate (jk) aha, i dont have bananas and tv keeps me awake. and ew i will never smoke weed ever ew.
  3. Replies
  4. Replies

    right click on it and then there will be a url?...

    right click on it and then there will be a url?
    if thats what your looking for
  5. It's the same for bi girls. Especially if we...

    It's the same for bi girls. Especially if we we're tomboys growing up or are kinda soft butches. It sucks.
  6. How can I convince my mom to let me take the office as my room?

    Me and my sister share a room. My mom has an office downstairs that she used to use alot but now she barely uses. I am trying to convince my mom that I should have her office as a room because...
  7. Replies

    Oh no! I'm so sorry! I hope you find your kitty.

    Oh no! I'm so sorry! I hope you find your kitty.
  8. w00t! Praise Physics!

    Praise Physics!
  9. I am really confused about how to put a website on the internet with things like...

    ...filezilla? I have a hosting account on and i put my website up on it but now I deleted everything to edit my website and I can't figure out how to put my website up again. Help?
  10. Replies

    Has anyone used Celebrity Slim?

    I have just started using it and was just wondering how long until you start seeing results? I weigh 65kg and just want to lose 5-7kg Is this a realistic goal in 4 weeks?
  11. I have realized since I started using Yasmin birth control pills I have been...

    ...seeing moles popping up all over ? These moles are all over my body, especially on both my breasts and where my ovaries are suppose to be on both sides I had moles popped up over night. I went to...
  12. in the new movie the secret life of bees commericial what is the song that...

    ...the boy sings? it starts at 1 minute and 3 seconds
    *please answer with a youtube video*
  13. My verizon wireless cell phone keeps turning off and won't turn back on.?

    So i need help!!!.. i don't know what to do.. i don't have insurance, i just got this phone in April.. im dieing without my cell phone! Sometimes when i put it on the charger it will turn on... ...
  14. Replies

    How do I put a website on the internet?

    I have all the codes and stuff done and I've tried but they won't really help me and I don't get what they say when I ask them
  15. Replies

    Help with blackberry pearl.?

    So My husband and have at&t we have 1400 that we share plus the unlimited messaging. Do we need to add another feature to be able to use the email and gps. Are they charging me every time i use it?
  16. Thread: xbox 360/blueray?

    by keri

    xbox 360/blueray?

    I was worrnding dose xbox 360 has blueray

  17. Replies

    Ipod Nano Won't turn on.

    I've had my Ipod since Easter and it just suddenly stopped working. I was listening to a song and went to turn it off and now it won't turn on no matter what I do. I plugged it in to charge but...
  18. Replies

    How much is gas where you live?

    i live in the metro detroit area in michigan, and gas had gone up as far as $4.35/gallon but within the last week, the cheapest ive seen it is $3.69/gallon

    where do u live, and how much do u pay...
  19. I'm 20 and clueless in the kitchen. I need easy recipes.?

    I'm 20 and just married. I also have just gotten custody of my 13 year old brother. I'm desperate for some easy inexpensive recipes. I've mastered twice baked potatoes, but we can't eat that every...
  20. I'm moving to the UK from the states and was wondering what the best

    satellite or cable providers there are? I'm looking to find out what satellite or cable network is best in the UK and how much US content if any hey offer?

    Also any incite on ISPs that are good...
  21. I'm 19 and my husband is 36. The gossip about our relationship is horrible. Any help?

    My fiance and I are madly in love. We live in a somewhat small town in Mississippi. I'm in school and he has an established career and is an all around amazing guy. The people in our town are so...
  22. Thread: xbox 360/blueray?

    by keri

    xbox 360/blueray?

    I was worrnding dose xbox 360 has blueray

  23. Thread: xbox 360/blueray?

    by keri

    xbox 360/blueray?

    I was worrnding dose xbox 360 has blueray

  24. i have this whitener called sexy celebrity, i...

    i have this whitener called sexy celebrity, i ordered it i use it is i make sure all of my teeth are dry.. i apply it one tooth at a time i leave it sit on there for about a minute with...
  25. I have a Palm Treo 650, my friend just gave to me. My service is...

    ...cingular. How can I switch that over? My friend just gave me her old phone as she just bought the I Phone. Her phone was the verizon version and I really want to stick to cingular, I hear about...
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