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Type: Posts; User: Nicholas

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  1. Replies

    Update my BlackBerry Os from 7.0 to 7.1?

    I'm using BlackBerry 9790 with 7.0 os, and I want to update my os to 7.1 without using computer. When I go to Options - Device - Software Updates, it says 'Your BlackBerry is up to date'. Can I...
  2. ipod touch fell in the toilet im going to send it to applecare center what...

    ...if they find out its wet? ok so a couple days ago my ipod touch fell in the toilet i quickly pulled it out and started crying it with a blowdryer and then i put it in bag of rice and tryed every...
  3. Has anyone had a ghost catfish that has like white spots and skin that has cut...

    ...marks because one of mine are? like that and i separated it from the others in put it in a breeder net inside the tank. If it dies overnight could it spread a disease?
  4. How to transfer files from 1 mp3 player to another?

    I just bought a new mp3 player and i want to transfer the files from my old mp3 player to this new one. Is there an easy way??
  5. Does your parents need insurance before you get your learner's permit in the state

    of Florida? Well, my mother can't afford insurance so we're basically without insurance at this particular moment. I'm looking to get my learner's permit but would I be allowed to get it without my...
  6. Does it cost anything to get a Permit in Florida?

    Hi. I'm fifteen and I haven't gotten my permit yet. I was wondering if it would cost any money whatsoever to get my permit so I'd be able to drive with an adult. Do the classes cost any money...
  7. do the cheats of midnight club la stop you from getting the audi r8?

    so if i activate the unlimited special cheat does it still count towards getting the audi R8 when i use them? im guessing not but i thought ill ask to make sure

  8. Me singing on stage with the man of my dreams.

    Me singing on stage with the man of my dreams.
  9. Is there a wireless audio transmission and receiver thing?

    Hey I am wondering if there is a thing you can plug into a stereo receiver thing that has a wireless link to it. Other then the things for your ipod that broadcast the music on a radio frequency.
  10. Is there a band like Dimmu Borgir that doesnt have that screaming? Im not a big... of that type of scream.? I do like the midieval instrument sounds they put in tho.
    **Haha Cradle of Filth....reminds me of IT Crowd.
  11. Replies

    Need help with Resident evil 4 torrent?

    I just downloaded the torrent for Resident Evil 4 because my CD/DVD drive isn't working so I had to download it. Anyways, it told me to insert a CD or a folder that a certain file needs to be found....
  12. I think you have been watching too much porn. I...

    I think you have been watching too much porn. I had the same thing but you just have to rest for a bit.
  13. Guys are nicer, calmer, and are not so picky.

    Guys are nicer, calmer, and are not so picky.
  14. Why can't my computer read my disc in the CD/DVD drive?

    I want to play my game that I have been saving for a long time but now every time I put in a disc, it doesn't do nothing. Usually my computer breaths when there's a disc but it just does crap. What...
  15. Where can I get James Bond Nightfire on PS2?

    I want this game but I don't like it on PC so I want it on PS2. Is there a place where I could buy a new and clean copy of it?
  16. ...

  17. Replies

    What do u think of the LG rumor?

    im looking for a phone that has a full qwerty keyboard
    pls list some that are available from fido, koodo, or virgin mobile
  18. Does the nokia n95 have a full qwerty keyboard?

    if it doesn't then how does it text?
    is it any different from other phones??
  19. Did Resident Evil Degeneration come out to DVD yet?

    I just want to see the movie. I saw the trailer so I want to see this awesome movie.
  20. Replies

    online calender program?


    I am looking for an online calendar program for my counseling site. I want people to be able to log on and purchase time slots for the counselor they wish to visit. I would like a program...
  21. Who has deep sea fished at tybee, like 37 miles out?

    I go every other week, i just wanted to hear everyones stories, and the biggest fish they have caught.
  22. Replies

    Who invented the internet?

    I heard that Al Gore invented the internet, but I don't belive that's true.
  23. Yes you can put music on zune for frostwire,...

    Yes you can put music on zune for frostwire, limewire, bearshare and more.
  24. A question about transformers and just movies in general?

    Hey i have three questions and I thought i might as well combine them....the first is about transformers the movie...
    1) What happened to the Xbox 360 and the Mountain dew machine?
  25. Replies

    iPHONE generations? whats the differnce?

    what is the difference in the 1st 2nd and 3 rd
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