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Type: Posts; User: DonR

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  1. It will often say what handling capacity the...

    It will often say what handling capacity the speaker is on the back of the speaker: It'll say something like 20 watts printed on the back of the magnet in addition to the impedence of the speaker...
  2. Other people aren't very happy with the Griffin. ...

    Other people aren't very happy with the Griffin.

    See how it sounds without the Griffin- just patch the iPod to the...
  3. Transmission fluid can be changed. It isn't...

    Transmission fluid can be changed. It isn't needed changed often unless the transmission is damaged. It isn't as easy a job as changing engine oil. Usually the trasnision pan has to be removed to get...
  4. Replies

    Was there some part of this question you didn't...

    Was there some part of this question you didn't really mean?
  5. Put on a coat, thick long pants, long socks, or...

    Put on a coat, thick long pants, long socks, or longjohns. A colder night takes longer to overcome. Engines have to have time to heat up. A weak battery will be weaker when its cold and iffy...
  6. Replies

    That should be in the brouchures trhe dealers and...

    That should be in the brouchures trhe dealers and websites present. They didn't teach be that in school, so you tell me.
  7. Something in the intake is leaking air. Have the...

    Something in the intake is leaking air. Have the car diagnosed with an OBD II reader. It'll narrow down the suspects. It could have a loose or cracked hose or intake snorkel. Auto Zone car parts...
  8. Replies

    The situation getting worse, the more you tried...

    The situation getting worse, the more you tried makes it appear that your alternator isn't charging the battery. You can drive off just the battery until it is used up and that sounds like your...
  9. Yes. If you try a few different ones for size at...

    Yes. If you try a few different ones for size at the dealer, you'll see what you want. The Scion is quite roomy, front and back. The Corolla is a bit tight, but take a look. Camrys are roomy all over.
  10. They are gas sucking crap. If you took all your...

    They are gas sucking crap. If you took all your money and just burned it you'd be in the same fix as owning one of those bohemoths. They are unstable in emergency manuvers. People with smaller cars...
  11. Replies

    If money is no object and there is no other work...

    If money is no object and there is no other work other customers need done, he might be happy to undertake that collossal task- there are lots of seals. They don't leak now and the chance is that...
  12. There's more than one kind of racing. I think...

    There's more than one kind of racing. I think autocross fully tests cars and drivers. Drag racing Is just like gun fighting. Tracks differ from one ralleye to another and can take axtended periods to...
  13. Nothing is free. If there isn't one at the...

    Nothing is free. If there isn't one at the junkyard you can buy, there's one at the library you can xerox. Ask for Chilton's Auto Repair manual.
  14. Nothing is free. If there isn't one at the...

    Nothing is free. If there isn't one at the junkyard you can buy, there's one at the library you can xerox. Ask for Chilton's Auto Repair manual.
  15. I don't know but if I wanted to, I'd go to the...

    I don't know but if I wanted to, I'd go to the library and look in Chiltons Auto Repair manual to get the answer quickly. I am surprized that light is out so soon. I'd expact it to last many years.
  16. Replies

    The problem with American automoblies is NOT the...

    The problem with American automoblies is NOT the rate of pay for assymbling them. They are engineered to be a poor quality product. The guys in the white shirts called "management" caused the...
  17. There's one way to do it and that's look in the...

    There's one way to do it and that's look in the repair manual to see what it is. The library is still open.
  18. Replies

    You still have that 10 year warranty? It sounds...

    You still have that 10 year warranty? It sounds like you need to use it for probably a vacuum leak. Have it checked with an OBD II code reader. The car will tell you what its problem is.
  19. Replies

    You'll probably pay the same for 256s as you play...

    You'll probably pay the same for 256s as you play for 512s. Look for sale prices. The 1 and 2 MB ones are popular now for around $10-$15. Stores are hurting and want to clear out a lot of stuff.
  20. Replies

    In the 1960's there was a real brick and mortar...

    In the 1960's there was a real brick and mortar Zack Electronics I used to enjoy shopping at. I long for the days. Who knows if it is the same outfit. The name might attract a lot of old business.
  21. When all the lubrication turns hard and waxy and...

    When all the lubrication turns hard and waxy and full of dirt the lug sticks. Spray it with white grease after you wipoe out all the old crud. You might have to melt it with WD 40 first. Don't use...
  22. Replies

    It sounds like the clutch hydraulic cylinder has...

    It sounds like the clutch hydraulic cylinder has failed. Replace that and drive like new.
  23. Make sure there's oil in the engine. I bet it has...

    Make sure there's oil in the engine. I bet it has been leaking. Take it to the shop and have everything fixed. Everything needs fixing by 250,000 miles. Or, put some new spark plugs in it and drive...
  24. Make sure there's oil in the engine. I bet it has...

    Make sure there's oil in the engine. I bet it has been leaking. Take it to the shop and have everything fixed. Everything needs fixing by 250,000 miles. Or, put some new spark plugs in it and drive...
  25. Splice it on a VHS with tape you don't want and...

    Splice it on a VHS with tape you don't want and roll it in. Throw the tape away from the good case. In order for the spool to turn you have to push the spool lock up with a pencil or some kind of...
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