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Type: Posts; User: Sandy

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  1. URLs in Internet Explorer open in Mozilla Firefox?

    Every time I type in Internet Explorer, it opens up in Mozilla Firefox. Quite bothering. Please help!!!
  2. URLs in Internet Explorer opening up in Mozilla Firefox?

    Every time I type or another site, it always opens up in Mozilla Firefox. It's bothering me. Help would be appreciated.
  3. Where should I go for an all inclusive vacation with friends?

    My friends and I are planning a big trip after everyone is done at university. We definitely want an all inclusive resort (including drinks!) but we have no clue where to go. It will probably be...
  4. Replies

    Home Theater system & HDTV?

    I am going to buy a HDTV and Home theater system with it. But recently a question arose in my mind whether the speakers in the Home theater would work work only while watching movies or can I use...
  5. Yes, all countries have their own codes. I...

    Yes, all countries have their own codes.
    I believe the codes are in most local phone books.
    I only have experience of calling U.K. from the USA
  6. Go to the phamacy and buy some Vagisil.

    Go to the phamacy and buy some Vagisil.
  7. If i was to build a computer would this be respectable?


    RaidMax Smilodon 10-Bay Computer Case w/ 500W Power...
  8. Oatmeal - even the instant kind is healthy. Plus...

    Oatmeal - even the instant kind is healthy. Plus a piece of fruit or a glass of fruit juice.
  9. I believe it!!

    I believe it!!
  10. guitar amp settings to make pinch harmonics?

    ok, so i got a new amp for Christmas, FINALLY haha, I've been playing guitar for a year exactly now
    so i need to know what settings i should set my amp to, to make pinch harmonics so that i can...
  11. Replies

    which water is good for any type of fishes?

    Which water is good for an aquarium?
    Tap water- used for drinking purpose, but mainly contains chlorine in it. Naturally soft
    Well water- naturally hard, but contains bleaching in it.
    If tap water...
  12. Does anybody have the audio technica ATH-M50's and how good do they sound?

    I was wondering how these heeadphones sound i was planning on getting a set of them.
  13. Replies


  14. Replies

    Ted DiBiase. I am expecting A LOT from him, but...

    Ted DiBiase. I am expecting A LOT from him, but from what I have seen so far, he is able to entertain me. He is young, has, as in my opinion charisma, and has the potential that a rookie needs.
  15. Replies

    Yes, but apple juice brings you back.

    Yes, but apple juice brings you back.
  16. Who is your favorite Disney Celeb? & whose your worst Disney Celeb?

    I know my favorite are d Jonas Brothers, just wanted to know whose your worst.
  17. You are probably above average looking, but not...

    You are probably above average looking, but not stand out, no.
  18. Who is your favorite Disney Celeb? & whose your worst Disney Celeb?

    I know my favorite are d Jonas Brothers, just wanted to know whose your worst.
  19. HTC Touch-Extremely sensitive key pad buttons...?

    My brand new HTC Touch recently got drenched in the rains. I removed the battery and showed the set under hairdrier. After some hours I was able to switch it ON but with one problem. The "talk"...
  20. Extremely touch sensitive key pad buttons on HTC

    My brand new HTC Touch recently got drenched in the rains. I removed the battery and showed the set under hairdrier. After some hours I was able to switch it ON but with one problem. The "talk"...
  21. How can I fix my other user acct not having internet?

    We have 2 adm users and 2 limited users. all was fine all had access to the internet until 2 weeks ago and now only one of the adm accounts can access the internet. I have tried to delete all other...
  22. Replies

    Yes, I definately think it is a spectrum or...

    Yes, I definately think it is a spectrum or "continuum" as I like to call it. Here is my idea: Sexuality is a continuum and only the people that are at the ends of the continuum actually come out as...
  23. How do I create and delete aliases with at&t Yahoo Internet?

    My internet provider is at&t yahoo. When I log into my account, I can view my aliases, but I cannot find a way to delete them so that I can add new ones. Helppppppp!
  24. When are celebrities going to learn to not take nude photos?

    I mean seriously, how come they can't learn. Everyone gets caught it is like they don't have brains.
  25. kbps rate of video in Blu-ray and DVD movies?

    Can someone tell me what is normal kbps rate of video in DVD movies and how does it compare with Blu-ray disc movies
Results 1 to 25 of 119
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