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Type: Posts; User: Angela

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  1. Replies

    Runny eyes in elderly lady?

    Hi - please would anyone who understands this problem, be kind enough to advise me. My mother in law who is in her late 70's has suffered from runny eyes for the past few years. Last year she had an...
  2. Replies

    an iguana or small alligator. (one that doesn't...

    an iguana or small alligator. (one that doesn't get big at all)
  3. Replies

    an iguana or small alligator. (one that doesn't...

    an iguana or small alligator. (one that doesn't get big at all)
  4. How do you upload music onto an mp3 player?

    I found an mp3 player on the bus and I need to know how to upload music on it please.
  5. How do you upload music onto an mp3 player?

    I found an mp3 player on the bus and I need to know how to upload music on it please.
  6. Replies

    Why do guys like to play games?

    My "I don't know what to call him anymore" keeps messing with my head. It's like he wants to get back together one minute and the next, he gives me the cold shoulder. Why is he doing this? What...
  7. Replies

    Im not stupid this is serious?

    i wrote another question before. my boyfriend has cancer and is going throught chem and i was wondering if the chemo running through his body could hurt me if he cums in me. i feel like i have a bald...
  8. Replies

    it's possible for some of the pups but not all

    it's possible for some of the pups but not all
  9. It's ok to be her friend. If she asks you out or...

    It's ok to be her friend. If she asks you out or give you any intimate signs just be straight with her right away. Another solution is, when your with her, talk about a guy your crushing on, she'll...
  10. How many people do you think are bisexual in my school?

    We have a population of around 2,200 students...
    and 50% of our school is asian... if that makes a difference in the statistics.
  11. Replies

    strife, sickness, terrorists :) rude people, a...

    strife, sickness, terrorists :)
    rude people, a drunk pilot
  12. Replies

    Help with eating healthy food!!?

    Ok so i want to start eating healthy food in my diet but im not sure what i should have for my three meals and a snack. So can someone please tell what the best thing to eat and that type of stuff. ...
  13. Replies

    10 dallor a month t-mobile plan?

    on t-mobile's website the cheapest plan for individual is 30 bucks a month, but my friend says that she has a t-mobile plan that is 10 dallors a month! i asked her if it was prepaid and she said...
  14. Replies

    guys, how would you style girls?

    im not talking about a skinny minny bikini to school. im talking actual CLOTHES you would like to see on girls. such as tops? jeans? shoes?

    what would the makeup look like? or would you simple say...
  15. Just let her throw the fit that's really all you...

    Just let her throw the fit that's really all you can do. Eventually she will understand she cannot be held all the time.
  16. Where can I purchase a bike similar this one? (picture included)?
  17. How do I deal with my future sister in law?

    My boyfriend's family live overseas. A few months ago I met his brother and fiance for the first time and his fiance wasn't at all enthusiastic about me despite my efforts.

    Recently we invited his...
  18. Replies

    Something's wrong with my Aquarium fish!?

    When i bought my fish, they were all fine and healthy. I gave some to my brother-in-law, which several of them died soon after wards, he took very poor car of them.

    They were half or fully blind,...
  19. Plain Cheese Pizza.Cause all the kids love it.

    Plain Cheese Pizza.Cause all the kids love it.
  20. How did you lose it? that would help. And whoever...

    How did you lose it? that would help. And whoever finds your phone can pop in their simcard and use your phone.
  21. How did you lose it? that would help. And whoever...

    How did you lose it? that would help. And whoever finds your phone can pop in their simcard and use your phone.
  22. What does the second verse of "Jingle Bells" mean?

    The second verse of the song "Jingle Bells" is:

    Get a bob-tailed bay,
    Two-forty for his speed.
    Then hitch him to an open sleigh
    And you will take the lead.

    What is a bob-tailed bay, what is...
  23. Acer inspire one laptop charger help fast!?

    can someone tell me a store where you can get a charger for the acer inspire one pleaseee?? thx !
  24. When can I use my Verizon env2 on my alltel account?

    I bought a Verizon env2 about a month ago in hopes for using it on my alltel account.

    Ive read a bunch of previous q/a stuff about programming Verizon phones on alltel, but due to the recent...
  25. Replies

    How to setup internet in Win XP?

    I just installed XP on a custom built computer. However, there is no internet on it. There is not even the little icon in the lower left-hand side of the screen. I tried setting up a network, but...
Results 1 to 25 of 141
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