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Type: Posts; User: Ana

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  1. Replies

    Where do I find O Clone DVD?

    I mean the original Brazilian one not that remake that Telemundo made, which was a fail.

    I cant find the O Clone Dvd! :(
  3. Is Free ring tones a SCAM ?

    are the free ringtones on acctually free???
  4. My hair always looks nice in the morning but ugly by mid day?

    How do i keep it looking nice? does hairspray work what kind?? my hair is straight and it usually ends up frizzing or getting out of place. Help!
  5. does anybody know a free fun online virtual pet game?

    im 13 and im sick at home and i need a fun online virtual pet game to play! i get bored really quickly! and i don't care if its a little babyish im very desperate!!
    no neopets or marapets plz!
  6. Replies

    Tom Kaulitz

    Tom Kaulitz <3
  7. anyone know whats the best application for MSN Messenger for the iPhone 3G?

    anyone know whats the best application i can add to use msn messenger on my 3g iphone? thanks!
  8. Thread: BlueTooth ?

    by Ana

    BlueTooth ?

    I'm trying to figure out how to work my phone haha I'm not very good. I was wondering if there was a way to send songs that i bought or had on an album to my phone from my computer through BueTooth....
  9. Firsts!!!

  10. Firsts!!!

  11. Replies

    my dvd player displaying 'no disk'?

    whenever i put a dvd in the player it takes a lot of time in loading and then displays 'no disk'. plz help
  12. could some one help me dog books?

    could some one help me and tell me a good book that would help me train my puppy
  13. Replies

    how do you get wii points?

    do you have to buy them, because i know you can purchase them with credit cards, but can you earn them??

    and how do/can you download new songs for guitar hero world tour??
  14. Replies

    hhaha weed ;D dont do it and i dont think youll...

    hhaha weed ;D dont do it and i dont think youll have alien probs no more. k?
  15. Replies

    make sure the wii remote is on and aim it at the...

    make sure the wii remote is on and aim it at the little senor stick with the orange plug ...and make sure the sensors plugged into the wii
  16. Replies

    What is sharing music files online?

    What is it and why does the RIAA make such a big deal out of it? Is it right for them to censure or restrict internet access or slow down your browser for doing so?
  17. Replies

    Should I have gastric bypass surgery? ?

    I am thinking of having gastric bypass surgery and my healthcare covers it totally. I have gone to all the required orientations and nutritional evaluations and am to see the surgeon to schedule...
  18. Well if you have a usb or something then yeah you...

    Well if you have a usb or something then yeah you can
  19. i am decided to buy my son a psp, only I'm undecided the black psp or the silver...

    ...bundle? ? I work at Target so I have the 10% discount, I can buy the psp black for 169.99, memory and Ben 10 game very expensive, so I will be looking at Walmart. Or I can buy the bundle which is...
  20. I run 1 mile 6 days a week and eat 1200 healthy, balances calories daily -

    effective weight loss? 5'5''. 147 lbs

    I'd like to lose 14 lb by February. When will I see results?
  21. Can I print things from my iPhone on my printer?

    I can't use the interntet on my computer today so I need to print things from my iPhone. Is that possible? If so, how?
    Please help!
  22. what celebrities do you think will be in the macy's thanksgiving day...

    ...parade this year (2008) ? im wonderingg cuzz im going tomorowww!!!! yay! first time!! give me tips and advice plz! :]

  23. Is it true that if you eat fish while on your menstrual cycle it increases odor?

    I have always heard this but wasn't sure if it was true. I never eat tuna or any fish during this time
  24. rock band vs guitar hero and xbox 360 vs ps3 vs wii?

    im thinking about buying either an xbox 360 or ps3 or a wii but ive never had video games before so i don't know anything. please explain pros and cons and price

    and i also want to buy rock band...
  25. internet safety? he seems to be ignoringstion? ?

    I am looking at buying a gun, and i had but the add on this site and a guy had messaged me and i ask him about the safety? and if it was able to be fired, or if it was clogged or something.and i...
Results 1 to 25 of 85
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