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Type: Posts; User: PiedHusseinPiper

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  1. *Raises hand* Treat him like a celbrity and it...

    *Raises hand*

    Treat him like a celbrity and it will come back to bite us in the future.
  2. LOL and then you woke up.

    LOL and then you woke up.
  3. If everywhere we turn we are told that the economy is bad, will it become a self

    fulfilling prophecy? Even commercials are telling us the economy is "so bad".

    Isn't perception going to lead, us as a nation, in the direction defined by the perception?
  4. Maybe they know that the Israelis are fighting...

    Maybe they know that the Israelis are fighting Hamas not civilians. It's Hamas who targets civilians.
  5. Hypocrisy from people who say we should not be...

    Hypocrisy from people who say we should not be the world's police.
  6. Yes. It was when Snidley Whiplash untied...


    It was when Snidley Whiplash untied Dudley Do Right.
  7. Because NY keeps voting for Democrat candidates.

    Because NY keeps voting for Democrat candidates.
  8. They don't. Send me the link that shows this....

    They don't.

    Send me the link that shows this. My email is open.

    If you were from America you would know this isn't true. Trying to be an authority on America from Singapore isn't easy is it?
  9. Lincoln kept the country together. I took years...

    Lincoln kept the country together. I took years for the truth to be seen about him.

    Yes. Bush will be well thought of when BDS subsides and historians see things clearly.
  10. If there are no American made cars why should the government bail them out?

    Someone just told me that my buying an American made car didn't help the economy because there are none anymore.
  11. Do you think Jesse and his son should take a hike?
  12. No. But Canada has.

    No. But Canada has.
  13. Never.

  14. Once the haze of BDS clears I'm sure the truth...

    Once the haze of BDS clears I'm sure the truth will be told.
  15. Possibly because gay people are usually an...

    Possibly because gay people are usually an emotional mess.

    I have know several. All were a train wreck.
  16. A few of the uninformed.

    A few of the uninformed.
  17. A few of the uninformed.

    A few of the uninformed.
  18. A few of the uninformed.

    A few of the uninformed.
  19. A few of the uninformed.

    A few of the uninformed.
  20. A few of the uninformed.

    A few of the uninformed.
  21. What you don't realize is that it is illegal for...

    What you don't realize is that it is illegal for FEMA to respond to a disaster in a state if it hasn't been requested by the Governor of that state. The slow response was because that request was not...
  22. Do you also think Hollywood stars are out of touch with America?

    They have a lot of money.
    Why are their political view held in high esteeme by the Left?
  23. Do you think the future of civilization is at stake or that Gore wants to

    sell carbon credits?
    truth seeker - pollution affects thing locally and should be dealt with accordingly. China's pollution doesn't affect the globe.
    A volcano affects the globe more.
  24. If Liberals outlaw aluminum foil the CTs will all...

    If Liberals outlaw aluminum foil the CTs will all commit suicide.
  25. Do you agree with this new conspiracy?
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