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Type: Posts; User: Eva

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  1. It seems that lately you feel he's kinda...

    It seems that lately you feel he's kinda distant. It could also mean that subconsciously you're afraid you'll lose him for some reason. Maybe you should have a talk with him.
  2. Replies

    Dang. When I last spied on someone on facebook, I...

    Dang. When I last spied on someone on facebook, I found out he was in the Yakusa and was known as a serial killer.

    He was bragging about being in a death squad and was planning a vacation to...
  3. Where can i find christmas cover photos for the profile?

    hey everyone pls suggest me some christmas cover photos for my profile thanks...
  4. Replies

    its called for give and for get and do it with...

    its called for give and for get and do it with him (ps. be sex safe if you do)
    also have fuN!
  5. Replies

    Problems with windows mail?

    Last night I wanted to move in Windows Mail one of my mails to a local folder, which was set up on the side bar. As I did the manoover for some reason the entire sidebar disappeares together with the...
  6. Love....? xx when did you fall in love and how did you meet...?

    I think love is like finding the piece that fits in a thousand piece puzzle. You just have to look through piles of misfits until,you find a match.

    Thats my philosophy I made up. So my question...
  7. Where can I watch series like e.g. Gossip Girl?

    I like to watch episodes back from series like Gossip Girl, Prison Break and Greys anatomy but where can I do that? I live outside the USA, so sites like CW are not accesible for me.
  8. Replies

    who are some celebrity teenage boys?

    i need some teenage celeb boy's for my health homework.

    I am drawing a blank!
  9. You can go there for tourism (it is a grade place...

    You can go there for tourism (it is a grade place believe me I went for vacations) but you must find first a job (you can use internet for that) before you go there and settle down.
    Good luck !
  10. If you live out of home, how often do you speak to family?

    I speak to my mum and siblings once per week on the phone. My dad once per month. I visit my mum and siblings 3 times a year each as they live 5 hours away.

    What about you?
  11. Replies

    Go to yoru doctor

    Go to yoru doctor
  12. What is the best way to organize a trip to NYC with a 3-month old baby?

    We are planning a 5 days trip to NYC in November, and we are taking our 3 month old baby. We would like to know what the best way to handle feedings and diaper changes while outside the hotel. We...
  13. What did Carlisle do to Lonnie in Midnight Sun?

    I know that Stephenie Meyer doesn't have enough time to put EVERY SINGLE DETAIL into her stories, but what does Carlisle do to him? Does he surgically remove his brain or something?
  14. Replies

    Getting into the Hollywood Show Business?

    Hey guys! I have a few questions. Please answer completely and no rude comments or you won't get the credit of a best answer!
    Ok I want to get into show business. My background is a little bit of...
  15. Religion is opium for the people - by David Hume. ?

    How do you interpret this sentence? What is your own interpretation about "religion" for people? any word / words which are more suitable than the word opium?
  16. What Internet Chating Tool do Australian people often use?

    I'm a Chinese girl,we usually use QQ for chating.What about you?
  17. Replies

    When is the best time to travel in Jerusalem?

    I'm a christian and would like to visit Jerusalem. Is it safe to go there?
  18. Why I don't see AAA mentioned in any Insurance ads rate comparison?

    I seen progressive, allstate, 21st,farmers etc banging heads on each other that each has better rate than the other but I never seen AAA mentioned in those kind of ads? Is it bcause nothing can beat...
  19. how many pictures can the blackberry 8310 curve hold?

    i'm asking once you get the phone, not after you put cards in it to hold more data.
  20. Replies

    When you format a memory card everything on it is...

    When you format a memory card everything on it is erased.
  21. I would like to know what and how is the penalty for illegal satellite dish antenna?

    I live in Vancouver, someone told me that if I get a dish antenna installed together with a strong receiver I will get channels broadcasted in US which otherwise I have to pay for, sometime channels...
  22. Replies

    It depends on if this is really meant to be, You...

    It depends on if this is really meant to be, You care a lot about him, but know that you might get hurt. Try to see him as often as possible and talk to him over the phone, if he starts to seem...
  23. Are you allowed to drink a tiny whine during pregnancy?

    Is ANY whine allowed in pregnancy? I don't like whine really but there are some recipes like desserts that call for whine as an ingredient. I want to know if a very small amount is allowed.
    I'm not...
  24. Replies

    Is Sprint a good company?

    Are sprint's bills what they say they are?
    Like the plan says $57.00 but is that really what they are or do they lie and charge you more on your actual bill.
  25. Replies

    What to do on friday night? ?

    20 years old female with partner of 4 years. Love to go out dancing but the clubs i would like to go to I am not aloud because of my age. What else is there to do on a friday night other than...
Results 1 to 25 of 41
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