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Type: Posts; User: mary

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  1. HOMESTUCK QUESTION! what page/pages reviles Dirk and Jake to be dating!?

    I know it was a little after they entered the medium but what page officially reviles it???
  2. what i really want to know is it a sin for me to still talk to my mom?

    Please some1 tell
  3. Trucker cap for vacation,which one is better?

    Looking for a black cap for my vacation on Tibet,which one is better, or...
  4. Do you know Digital Generation? Gain money for being online!?

    Basically all you have to do is absolutely nothing!
    You gain money using your computer, what is very good because the only thing you need is to turn on...
  5. How do I know if I'm better for long distance or for sprints?

    The answer is not my preference. It's whats hard, and what isn't on my body. I can run fairly good sprints. Im also good at long distance, but I don't know which way to go. I play many sports, but I...
  6. Replies

    i dream of life in hollywood.....?

    ......does anyone live there ?

    what is it really like ?

    i see the glamour, the sunshine, everything, on the movies and tv shows and it just reaks amazingness.

    what is it really like ?

  7. I have a vacation rental house in vegas, I want to rent it, but I do not have a

    credit card Machine, Option? Is there any other option?
  8. Replies

    Have you ever had this happen?

    have you ever had a rectal thermometer, and does it hurt because i am scared i have to get and i want to know what to expected no rude comments please
  9. Replies

    sanyo camera not working?

    I have a sanyo camera. i lost the mini usb cable cord that charges it, but then my mom bought me a new why is it still not working? could it need a new battery? HELP! i miss using my camera
  10. Train!!!

  11. Replies

    How can I pop my elbow back into place?

    My elbow used to dislocate a lot when I was young and I'm pretty sure it's dislocated now. It feels like its hanging off, it hurts quite a bit and the bone feels out of place. How can I pop it back...
  12. Replies

    Who has better sex capacity men or women?

    In referrence to no. of times, age, speed, excitement, stimulation, occrance etc.
  13. Replies

    How did Alexander Graham Bell's telephone work?

    What were the parts, and how did it work? please use simple language -- i have to write a report on how telephones work, and i do not want it to seem too complex !
  14. Replies

    Philadelphia is a GREAT vacation place. Plenty...

    Philadelphia is a GREAT vacation place. Plenty of cool history, great resturants and pubs. If you go in the spring or summer catch a Phillies game. New stadium!! Fourth of July great fireworks. ...
  15. My dog has white flakes in his fur. We think it's dandruff. Is this...

    ...possible? How can we fix it? He is a 17 week old black lab. His fur is black so we can see it easily. We bathe him monthly.
    We feed him IAMS Large Puppy I believe...if that makes a difference
  16. Whenever I'm sitting on the couch, my puppy starts barking at me and jumping...

    ...on the couch.? When I put him on the couch, he starts biting me. Right now I'm on the couch and he's biting on my shirt. (He's on the floor)
    What does he want and how can I stop this?
    I just...
  17. Do you think he is trying to tell me to back off--married man?

    He mentioned twice about meeting his wife and then never followed up. Do you think he is trying to tell me to back off, given he wants me to meet his wife? Or, is he trying to sway his guilt since...
  18. No not that I know of.

    No not that I know of.
  19. Replies

    how to get rid of rashes on your chest?

    I have these red bumps and i think rashes right between my neck... and my chest. how do i get rid of them??
  20. Replies

    About Celebrity.Please anwers?

    Hello,There all My Fellow's...
    Ummm,I wanted To Ask You Guy's Some-Thing's...
    How Come They Have Fat Thighs.
    I want That.
    Any One Knows.
    How Do You eat Food To make Them Go To Your Legs...
  21. Flirting married man wants me to meet his wife--is this a good idea?

    He emails me all day (we work together) & flirts with me innocently. He now wants me to meet him and his wife for lunch. I think he must be on the up & up and wants his wife to be included, for us...
  22. Replies

    Predictions for Iran v South Korea?

    Is it going to be a beautiful game or....?
    Sadly I won't be able to watch the game:((((
    Majid daghighan manam hamin moshkele arshado daram:((( Bayad konkooro tahrim konim? :))
  23. Do married men often have affairs with women their wives have met or know?

    I would say not, because the husband wouldn't want his wife to meet the other woman, ever. Thanks.
  24. Replies

    How do i add a free ringtone?

    Okay so i have a razer cell phone and i want to add a song for a ringtone, but im trying to avoid paying for it.

    Hm, is there a way to record the song and then add it as a ringtone?

    Any other...
  25. Replies

    Virgin Mobile Slash...?

    Does it get IM?
Results 1 to 25 of 186
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