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Type: Posts; User: Exoticwonder

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  1. Do you think if no one told you you'd think these celebrities were black?

    well they are all part black.
    but in america, if your part black, your well, black.
    i am very light skinned, like the same color as rihanna and eartha kitt.

    would you think these women were...
  2. Why does it take a lot of guys a long time to mature? Read the details?

    i have 3 guys friends- all about to turn 30 in the next year- all straight- it is strange because each wants to get married, and complains about how they meet girls and the girls are all crazy,...
  3. What exactly happens during martial law, and do millions of people get

    injured/killed in the process? i'm just wondering, there are lots of videos on youtube about the coming police state, and martial law...i am very concerned...i don't want to go into a fema camp, and...
  4. Do you think if the economy collapses, martial law will be declared?

    i'm kind of wondering...
    some people say that america, mexico, and canada is going to merge into the north american union, and then a new currency the amero is going to be here,
    and through all of...
  5. What celebrity's fashion style do you like the most?

    i'd have to say for me- Kelis, Jimi Hendrix, or Janis Joplin...
    what about you?
    rihanna duplicates a lot of kelis- i like kelis better- kelis influences have got to be like prince, jimi hendrix,...
  6. Replies

    What do you consider healthy eating?

    goma1 would of been good if you listed certain fruits, vegetables, etc- for healthy eating! but thanks.
  7. Do you think our favorite celebrities would look good without wearing makeup? Do

    people need makeup?
    and you can look at all the other celebrities without the makeup on by clicking their names- at the bottom!
  8. What does it mean when someone says no religion, I'm spiritual?

    i'm just curious- what do you think it means?
  9. Who do you think are the most attractive male and female celebrities?

    and why?
  10. Would you still think a celebrity was beautiful if you saw their scars, zits,...

    ...cellulite under the airbrushing? under the makeup- a lot of them dont look like what we see-would they still be beautiful to you-
    like a lot of people say rihanna is really pretty- and i...
  11. What celebrities look like they are into witchcraft...please include pictures?

    like which ones do you think are involved in witch craft and why?
  12. Do you think the Maury Povich and Jerry Springer- both have shows that promotes

    unnecessary stereotypes? its either who's the baby daddy-
    these babies tested numerous times-
    most of the people on this show are black, few hispanic and white- and they look young-
    like do you...
  13. What do people who talk about others (gossip), lie on others, and like to see...

    ...others hurt- be suffering from? i think-
    1. depression, evil, and/or misery
    2. jealousy
    what about you?
  14. What celebrity or celebrities, do you think are most similar to your...

    ...personality/appearance and why? hmm...well personality wise i'd say like kelis- but we look nothing alike similar hair texture lol- but some other personalities/styles that reminds me of myself in...
  15. Do you think celebrities with their glam squad give people false...

    ...expectations on beauty and what's pretty? check out the link:
    most celebrites dont look anything like what we see on tv or magazines- just google your...
  16. Do you think a 21 year old woman dating a man older than 30 means she'll find...

    ...a more mature partner? i'm curious-
    most guys in the age group 18-25 are about games- lies- cheating- having sex with a lot of girls than moving on to the next- not all guys- but most guys-
  17. What do you think about the celebrities who sleep their way to the top?

    well there has been gossip and rumors about celebrities who have done this-
    marilyn monroe-
    video vixens-
    and many others-
    even some celebrities have become famous off of sex tapes-
  18. Are people really that dumb and shallow that they don't realize most

    celebrities are airbrushed with makeup? its amazing to me- that some people actually think beyonce or eva longoria wake up "pretty" or "beautiful". personally all it is is makeup, photoshop, a good...
  19. How would you describe the way you look and the way your personality is,... someone who has never met you? in only 4 sentences you can describe yourself...
    i'd say...
    I'm smart, cute, creative, interesting, philosophical, and poetic..
    I'm deep, sincere, hard...
  20. What music do you think is worse today's hip hop/rap music, or today's

    heavy metal/gothic/rock music? if you like both say why you like both-
    i personally feel neither one of those genre's of music touches my soul- as far as the lyrics are concerned.
    nice beats and...
Results 1 to 20 of 22
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