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Type: Posts; User: Taylor

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  1. Replies

    Poll do you think this picture is funny?

    I think it is
  2. Could i buy a straight talk t-mobile phone off of craigslist or eba and then

    activte it to my walmart plan? to make an answer quicker just txt me s get it right away! Cause I need to know soon!! 37-289-5044
  3. How is it buying Instagram followers, likes, and comments?

    Hey I was just thinking about buying Instagram followers, comments, and likes. I was just going to buy 500 followers and 100 likes, maybe 5 comments but I'm not sure. One of my questions were how do...
  4. Replies

    Ever fall in love with an anime?

    I know its been such a long time since i last watched Code Geass but i'm still crazy for Lelouch. I am in love with him. I know it's crazy but i actually love him. It's not that i dont have minor...
  5. can I upgrade my samsung galaxy s3 for an iphone 5c?

    My dad said if I can find a way to trade in my galaxy s3 for an iphone 5c then I can get the 5c
    I am 13 btw but any way my phone was supposed to be upgraded in two years but I really want the 5c oh...
  6. Replies

    How can I style this dress?
  7. why through t-mobile am i able to get the iphone 5 in my area but not the 4S?

    i go to the website and every time i type in my zip for the 4s it says its not available in my area. but the 5 just goes straight through to the purchasing process. are they trying to force people to...
  8. Replies

    Can I set a Rogers phone up with Fido?

    Okay, my step-dad bought me this phone from Rogers about 2 weeks ago, and my dad is going to set it up, but he has a family plan with Fido, so I am wondering if I can set up a Rogers phone with Fido....
  9. Replies

    im a girll.. but ive heard?! -"do you like...

    im a girll.. but ive heard?!

    -"do you like pokemon?"
    --"suree[yes, no, whatever :P]"
    -"cause i wanna pikachu XD"

    and on this one you touch their shoulder closest to you and say
    -if you were...
  10. Replies

    verizon alias voicemail problems?

    whenever someone calls me and i don't answer and whenever i call my voicemail, it calls my friend. someone told me im supposed to call a number, but no one knows that number. does anyone have any...
  11. Replies

    verizon alias voicemail problems?

    whenever someone calls me and i don't answer and whenever i call my voicemail, it calls my friend. someone told me im supposed to call a number, but no one knows that number. does anyone have any...
  12. Replies

    How do I put music on my cell phone?

    I have a card thing in my cell phone and a usb cable but I can't get it on my card or my phone. I copied it to it but it didn't work and I synced and it didn't work, it doesn't show up on my phone...
  13. Replies

    the second generation has speakers so it can play...

    the second generation has speakers so it can play the music outloud without head phones. it proboly is better cause they would of fixed the problems with the first generation one
  14. Replies

    Stomach pains/feeling sick.?

    The last 3 weeks now, i have had bad stomach pains, mainly in the morning and at night, yet im ok in the day. I feel sick every morning and every night aswell. I had my period about a week ago and it...
  15. You know what would look good on me, you?

    You know what would look good on me, you?
  16. Replies

    Pull own blood for coggins test?

    I live in NH and was wondering if I was able, legally, to pull my own blood for a coggins test and drop it off at a clinic. I go to school at UNH-where the diagnostic lab is, and they do coggins...
  17. How do i send pictures with my nokia phone?

    I have a Nokia 6085h flip phone

    my old phone had a little crack in the screen so i baught a new phone, exact same model.

    is it possible to send the pictures to my computer?
  18. Replies

    Mobile phone question.?

    Ok so i have a contract phone, and im still using it. But i wanted to get a new phone, so would it be possible to get a new phone and just put my sim card in that? and be able to sell the other phone...
  19. No, don't go in March, its freezing and will...

    No, don't go in March, its freezing and will hover above zero. Wait until June to July, thats when our weather is really nice. If you plan to go skiing your on the wrong side of the mountains.
  20. Replies

    Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris
  21. Do you have to pay for internet on a Blackberry after the flat fee?

    My mom just got a Blackberry Curve and Verizon Wireless is having a buy one get one deal. Mom's okay with me having one but said there's a $25 flat fee for data every month. After the flat fee, do...
  22. Replies

    Books in Theaters in the future?

    What are some books that are coming to theaters, not this year but some time in the future? (for sure not just a guess)
  23. Will Jermaine O'neal have a big blocks night again tonight?

    He had 9 vs Lakers
  24. Replies

    what kinds of audi's are coupe's ....?

    im sorta car-stupid and i dont know any names..
  25. Is Epiphone LP Standard Plus Top better than Plain Top?

    So I was looking at a couple of Epi LP's at Guitar Center. There's the standard Plain Top and standard Plus Top, the latter of the two being $150 more expensive. Is there a big difference between the...
Results 1 to 25 of 271
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