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Type: Posts; User: Ani

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  1. Replies

    "How to mend a broken heart" Is that a book?

    Hey I just randomly thought of this...but is "how to mend a broken heart" a real book?
  2. i believe that is a rip off D; i bought something...

    i believe that is a rip off D; i bought something like that for 12-15 dollars
  3. no, avoid it.

    no, avoid it.
  4. How can I send a text message to a Verizon cell phone from my computer?

    How can I send a text message to a Verizon cell phone from my computer?
  5. Replies

    Stocking Question-29 gallon & 5 gallon?

    My friend has 10 neon tetras and 5 glofish he wants to get rid of and is willing to give to us.

    To be honest I dont want the glofish, but my husband does.

    Anyway, for the neons, if I took them...
  6. DVD Disc written using LG Supermulti Drive is not Working in other DVD Drive?

    DVD Disc written using LG Supermulti Drive is not Working in other DVD Drive on my Dell Laptop.
  7. Replies

    See, it's not good to eat and surf the 'net at...

    See, it's not good to eat and surf the 'net at the same time because you really need three hands to type and shovel food in all at once, and you end up missing your mouth on occasion too as you're so...
  8. im rly not good with this =[ but myspace crash...

    im rly not good with this =[
    but myspace crash codes might be helpful.
    [look up on google]
    maybe yu can change the names of the heading "who id like to meet" to "music"
    or just plain hide it....
  9. Why did the man walk away from everything and everyone he loved?

    Need LOTS of plot ideas based on this question below I've totally blanked

    I'm blocked writing this short story.

    Need to involve an older (in his late 30's early 40's) hermit type of guy with...
  10. I could count all my headaches on 1 hand & I'm 36 yrs old. That changed last Tues.?

    I experienced a stinging headache on both sides, then just my left that almost disabilitated me. It is still with me (i dread waking in the am b/c i wake with it as well) ; i have a dr appt Tues. ...
  11. i have accidentally deleted a folder(permanently) from my hard disc....?

    I heard that there are some file recovery softwares which can recover that..... can any of people help me with that.... the working one will get a 10
  12. should i buy a new nintendo ds or my new cell phone the voyager?

    i only have enough money for one and my parents have alot of money but they want me to "earn" the monay so now which one????
  13. Internet Explorer and Mozilla don't work! Help?!?

    I have a sony vaio laptop and a couple months ago mozilla stopped working on it so i've had to start using internet explorer. The other day when i was on yahoo there is an ad for the new internet...
  14. Replies

    MIstake During Prep for Colonoscopy?

    I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. Been having full liquid diet yesterday, and what I thought was clear liquid today in prep. They didn't give me an instruction sheet (I had to ask...
  15. What does "How Cheap Can You Get?" in this picture means?

    What are they talking about? I don't get it. Any help will be appreciated.

    and I didn't know which category to ask this Q...
  16. How can I look for certain genetic data in literature available on internet?

    If I have a known gene, how can I find genes regulating it and genes being regulated by that gene? Where exactly to look for in the databases like ncbi etc.
  17. Replies


  18. what do you do when you have injured your arm and foot?

    i fell and my left arm and right foot had the greatest impact. do i put ice, and how long if so? im currently wrapping a shirt around my arm and idk what to do w/ my foot. my elbow and wrist is...
  19. Replies

    T-mobile or Verizon?help me choose...?

    for my b'day i want a sidekick LX and ony t-mobile has that and i text a lot so i wanna know if the texting is free or do they charge for texting?i also have a lotta friends so i will recieve a lotta...
Results 1 to 19 of 19
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