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Type: Posts; User: Jason

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  1. Replies

    how do u find someone to chat with now?

    now that there are no more chat rooms. how do you find someone to chat with?
  2. Do you think it's funny when someone gets a toothpick in the eye? funny!
  3. Do you think it's funny when old people get the gas and brake pedals mixed up...

    ...and crash into a store? They're so cute!
  4. Do you think it's funny when old people get the gas and brake pedal

    mixed up and crash into a store? They're so cute!
  5. Replies

    What is Bitcoin ? simply plz :)?

    umm i just wonder it
    nowadays i often watch it on TV but i don't know that.
  6. i just bought a google android tablet do i need internet security on it or

    is it allready intalled like apple? i am only going to be surfing the net i dont download much ever
    just on fbook or twitter

    if i do need antivirus is there any good free ones
    out there
  7. Replies

    Taco Bell.....Love it or?

    Hate it?
  8. Waht the product introduction of the ball mill of hayulai equipment? I...

    ...want get some details about the capany? Ball mill
  9. What real life car is GTA5's F620 based on (picture)?

    Most, if not all, GTA5 cars are based on real life cars. I was wondering what real life car the Ocelot...
  10. Replies

    Bluetooth 2 question to answer plz?

    I have a samsung not sure what model i have AT&T service
    . My friend was trying to send songs to be through bluetooth but his phone didnt detect my device , my bluetooth was on and i was sitting...
  11. If i buy a Color Ware Iphone 3g will it work on tmobile?
  12. I don't know if anyone could help me with this issue. I've contacted everyone...

    ...but nobody seems to know..? I recently had a power outage at my house but it was for only like five seconds. I knew this happened because my computer and all my appliances got shut off around the...
  13. He will probably have to do some jail time. They...

    He will probably have to do some jail time. They sometimes give probation, but if you skip out on probation and court they call it absconding and will revoke the probation, in which case you have to...
  14. Replies

    What is the cheapest fast car?

    What is the cheapest fast car?
  15. whats better the Simpson,Family Guy or Futurama?

    whats better the Simpson,Family Guy or Futurama?
  16. What is the little gay boy name off The Simpson's?

    What is the little gay boy name off The Simpson's?
  17. Replies

    They defend themselves with camouflage and...

    They defend themselves with camouflage and flight. They build their homes in high places like the lofts of barns so animals cannot easily get to them.
  18. question about bmw ipod integration? anyone?

    i integrated my ipod into my bmw, and its all good..but its weird is it supposed to be that the screen only says "click ok to disconnect" and i cant control the music with the ipod itself...and i can...
  19. Replies

    television and internet differences?

    How come... tv can load and display images within seconds while using the internet we need to download for some time to get it displayed...
    Why is that so...??
  20. Nope...

  21. Nope...

  22. Nope...

  23. Replies

    it really looks like either a nearly grown Shiba...

    it really looks like either a nearly grown Shiba Inu or an Alaskan Malamute puppy. It could be a Siberian Husky. It really depends on how old the puppy is, they all look different at different ages
  24. A program im looking for that restores lost data...?

    I am looking for a program that restores data on a HDD that has been wiped. I know there is a program that is out there that can do this. I know that "Restore" is part of the name, just i don't...
  25. Judaism, Christianity, Islam Not sure about...

    Judaism, Christianity, Islam

    Not sure about the eastern ones, but they would almost certainly be around the time of Judaism.

    Also depends how you define the terms, of course.
Results 1 to 25 of 334
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