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Type: Posts; User: dee

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  1. Does the ps3 blue ray work as good as the actual blue ray DVD players?

    I ask because I watch on my ps3 and then watched on one that is not a gaming device and is intended for actuall blue ray movies and it was a better experience. Thinking of buying one because of...
  2. Replies

    i think you should get a new car a new yr i have...

    i think you should get a new car a new yr i have a car that is old as well but about in Dec im going to get a new car don't know what car just but im going to get one like in the yr of 2000 and up...
  3. How are you making ends meet living on Oahu, HI? Price hikes sewage & HECO?

    Price increases for groceries, electricity, water bill so on....
    Are you living paycheck to paycheck?
  4. peanut butter and jelly is actually nice,but on...

    peanut butter and jelly is actually nice,but on toast not bread. Also chocolate and crisps together is lovely. Some people think banana on toast is disguisting, i love it!!
  5. 9 credit hours and no.

    9 credit hours and no.
  6. Replies

    I am exactly the same way. But you know what I...

    I am exactly the same way. But you know what I did, I just keep to myself. If someone crosses the boundaries I just move away not in a rude manner, but just enough to let them know I don't feel...
  7. Replies

    He might be but i thought he had girlfriends in...

    He might be but i thought he had girlfriends in the past, or else his girlfriend made him turn gay then that would make sense.
  8. I use convertx to dvd or nero but I dont know if...

    I use convertx to dvd or nero but I dont know if they work with mac, do a google search to check, they are both free.
  9. Replies

    for people who have a rumor phone?

    i have a rumor phone.
    how do you do more than one line when you text message

    whats up?

    because i dont know how.
  10. The only real difference that matters is the...

    The only real difference that matters is the Civic reverse gear is far right and down. the Audi is push down far left and up.
  11. Replies

    this year nowhere i wana save

    this year nowhere i wana save summer-florida b4 college. if money was no object- the caribbean, vegas, egypt ...places with rich culture, good weather, nice beaches or somewhere to go...
  12. Replies

    Do you have a cute/funny picture ?

    A favorite funny/cute picture of your horse? Share it :]

    This is mine, taken today. It's my boy; Cody with his girlfriend (my friend's paint; Apache)
  13. Can I legally ride my bike on the highway in washington state?

    NOT the freeway. I know I can't do that.
    and On the side of the road.
  14. Replies

    Kristen Stewart from Twilight for the First...

    Kristen Stewart from Twilight for the First Person
    Jennifer Hunt from MTV's 50 Cent the Money and the Power for the Second Person
  15. in saw 3, what was in the letter that amanda read?

    in the saw 3 movie, amanda read a letter inside an envelope (which seems to b the same envelope that detective hoffman got in saw 5). after she read it, she looked very upset/frustrated, then she...
  16. monzilla firefox update, cant connect to the internet even after I reconfigured

    my firewall per their website? Any ideas? I am using internet explorer but prefer firefox
  17. Replies

    umm...don't eat it then!

    umm...don't eat it then!
  18. Replies

    Saddle scratch/polish help?

    i recently scratched my saddle. I took some advice and used leather polish to try and hide the scratch. It turned out very nice, but you can still see the scratch. If i add more polish, will it make...
  19. Replies

    what's your opinion on internet dating?

    I've tried internet dating several times over the last several years. I've had one year 1/2 relationship, and dates here and there with others. I am finding recently though, that men will email me...
  20. depends on how fat u are

    depends on how fat u are
  21. Replies

    She was on there and did make a full recovery.

    She was on there and did make a full recovery.
  22. None! Not worth it unless you're desperate!

    None! Not worth it unless you're desperate!
  23. Are you for real?

    Are you for real?
  24. Replies

    Can anybody disprove the conspiracy theories?

    I know that not to being able to doesn't mean they are right. I'm just asking so that I can eliminate those that aren't true. If the NWO conspiracy theory is correct then couldn't it very well bring...
  25. 1996 BMW 318 - How do you adjust the power window regulator to keep the...

    ...window in the tr? I just bought this car and the window had been broken and replaced, but it will not stay on the track at all. The regulator appears to be attached incorrectly. how do you adjust...
Results 1 to 25 of 257
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