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Type: Posts; User: Charlie

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  1. Wanting a texting buddy (17 year old male from Australia).?

    Just want another person to text really, all my friends are getting boring to text, want someone from another country. Not a creep at all ;/. Message me on here to transfer numbers or whatever.
  2. Replies

    BBM without a blackberry?


    My wife and I both had BlackBerry phones and used to BBM quite a lot, but this weekend her phone died and she's got a Samsung now. Is there an app for her phone that will let her BBM me and...
  3. Why is the ending an important scene in The Worlds Fastest Indian (2005)?

    Why was the ending an important scene in The Worlds Fastest Indian (2005)
    What was one idea/Theme that was memorable in The Worlds Fastest Indian (2005)
  4. laser scanner unit's protection cover in laser printers open with ravelling...

    ...out?(by ravel)? laser scanner units protection cover in laser printers open by ravelling..Reaching it easy? does it open with pushin ..Thanks jsut wonderin
  5. geographical issues. Increase of tsunami and...

    geographical issues. Increase of tsunami and earthquakes, not to mention rise of sea level from global warming and other natural disaster will hit island countries like Japan, hard.
  6. Might have pinched o-ring on injector putting it...

    Might have pinched o-ring on injector putting it in, causing it to leak and flood truck.
  7. Might have pinched o-ring on injector putting it...

    Might have pinched o-ring on injector putting it in, causing it to leak and flood truck.
  8. Might have pinched o-ring on injector putting it...

    Might have pinched o-ring on injector putting it in, causing it to leak and flood truck.
  9. **********************If yur partner was bisexual would you still feel the

    same way about them?***************? So if you had been married and your partner tell you he/she is bi would you still feel the same way about them or be grossed out and leave them?
  10. Replies

    Sims 2- not working please help!!?

    I bought sims 2 (pc) n wen ii play on it the sims heads dissapear and the colours in their hair spreads out across the screen so i cant see a thing, just generally the graphics are messed up. when i...
  11. Looks like that is your only option.

    Looks like that is your only option.
  12. Check your inertia switch and check the ground on...

    Check your inertia switch and check the ground on the pump.
  13. Replies

    What I found was Knock Sensor voltage low.

    What I found was Knock Sensor voltage low.
  14. Replies

    What I found was Knock Sensor voltage low.

    What I found was Knock Sensor voltage low.
  15. Replies

    Iphone and Itouch questions?

    They both have apps correct? Also are there any cool, useful, entertaining, or just plain fun apps out there?Also what is the difference between ipod itouch and iphone.What are hte different memory...
  16. well what are you going to live with him for to...

    well what are you going to live with him for to help him and i think thats great
  17. Because they are made to break easily so you can...

    Because they are made to break easily so you can buy them new ones:)
  18. Because they are made to break easily so you can...

    Because they are made to break easily so you can buy them new ones:)
  19. u gotta be 16 yrs although u should have that...

    u gotta be 16 yrs although u should have that permission slip from ur parents and school authorizing you to work there. hope this help:)
  20. May it be any problem for my laptop's dvd wr driver in this situation?

    i new bought a lap top..there was a program called light scribe direct disc labeling..I was supposing that my lap top has a driverfor light scribe..But there isnot any light scribe driver also there...
  21. May it be any problem for my laptop's dvd wr driver in this situation?

    i new bought a lap top..there was a program called light scribe direct disc labeling..I was supposing that my lap top has a driverfor light scribe..But there isnot any light scribe driver also there...
  22. my ps3 download speed of the psn is really slow will some body help me please?

    i am on sky broadband 20 mb and and i use my ps3 wireless my brother is on 16mb broadband with sky and he took 10 min to download resident evil 5 and it took me 5 hours can some body help me please
  23. Replies

    Owners bet.

    Owners bet.
  24. As first answer indicates, Cuba is a highly...

    As first answer indicates, Cuba is a highly controlled dictatorship. The people are prisoners on their own island, not allowed to leave. Castro seeks to maintain power by controlling what the...
  25. Julia Roberts would be the person that best fits...

    Julia Roberts would be the person that best fits this in my eyes.
Results 1 to 25 of 326
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