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Type: Posts; User: LarryH

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  1. confront her first with a witness

    confront her first with a witness
  2. confront her first with a witness

    confront her first with a witness
  3. why did constantine form the catholic religion?

    I know that christians were in hiding for over a 100 years before the creation of catholicism because of persecution by fire, but does anyone know why constantine started the catholic religion? ...
  4. Bell and Howell Binocular Digital camera hard ware?

    Looking For Soft Ware For The Camera. In Order To Down Load Pics Onto Computer. Camera Has No Model Number. Would Like Some Info. Where I Can Obtain It.
  5. You goto and download it.....?

    You goto and download it.....?
  6. Street parking is for first come first served ,,...

    Street parking is for first come first served ,, you were scammed,,call the police and report it,,he may have been trying to steal your car and got caught
  7. Street parking is for first come first served ,,...

    Street parking is for first come first served ,, you were scammed,,call the police and report it,,he may have been trying to steal your car and got caught
  8. Street parking is for first come first served ,,...

    Street parking is for first come first served ,, you were scammed,,call the police and report it,,he may have been trying to steal your car and got caught
  9. towels to tight,,must have put it on while it was...

    towels to tight,,must have put it on while it was still damp
  10. Replies

    go to the next navy open house and ask the guys...

    go to the next navy open house and ask the guys that really do it ,, carrier landings are not for the faint of heart and special training is needed
  11. you could put a small clamp on the line but that...

    you could put a small clamp on the line but that would make the pump work harder ,, i suggest you get about 8' of air line to this might reduce the pressure enough
  12. My VOLVO starts fine but then when I first press the gas not much happens?

    I have a 99 Volvo S70 turbo with 136,000 miles on it. The Check Engine light has been on as long as I can remember. When I start the engine it sounds fine. I then put it in reverse to back out and it...
  13. pantie hose ,, the cricket legs will get caught...

    pantie hose ,, the cricket legs will get caught it the pantie hose and you can pick them off
  14. Replies

    let the water set for another day and see how it...

    let the water set for another day and see how it looks
  15. you can do anything ,,but start slow and get the...

    you can do anything ,,but start slow and get the tank set up and the water aged than as you read the books on salt water fishes ,,you do have a book right ? good so as you read the book the water is...
  16. How can one submit an internet entertainment idea with out risking loosing

    it by any unfortunate reason ? How can one submit an internet entertainment idea with out risking loosing it by any unfortunate reason or any at all Would yahoo ! the great yahoo , answer us , or...
  17. Replies

    the next time you check your oil make sure the...

    the next time you check your oil make sure the dipstick is all the way in so you don't end up short sticking yourself
  18. Replies

    my father used to look at the livers of rabbits...

    my father used to look at the livers of rabbits and squirrels ,,he said if its got spots or bad looking areas (other than a bullet hole) pitch it ,, i haven't seen but one bad rabbit liver it had...
  19. silk

  20. all guns are very well made as of late, so much...

    all guns are very well made as of late, so much is just in the name, ,, whats more important is the experience of the person behind the weapon
  21. Replies

    There's basically no difference in what milk you...

    There's basically no difference in what milk you drink. But drinking any kind of milk will make you fat. It's not the "fat" that makes you fat. It's the sugar. And the skim milk has just as much...
  22. They may be sold out of what you want. About the...

    They may be sold out of what you want. About the only stuff left after Christmas is the junk that nobody else wants.
  23. Replies

    You have to put headlights and tail lights with...

    You have to put headlights and tail lights with turn signals and mirrors to make it street legal. Plus you my need to put on a license plate. For that you would have to go to DMV. Good Luck!
  24. where should i take my lovely bride for a nice vacation?

    I have been happily married for two years and we are expecting our first child, but i want to take my better half to the most exotic place in the world. we hate the city life and only love the...
  25. Replies

    america really sucks. i left it about five months...

    america really sucks. i left it about five months ago and currently am enjoying life to the fullest on a very small island here in the philippines. If you really want to have a happy life avoid...
Results 1 to 25 of 27
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