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Type: Posts; User: ag

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  1. Replies

    Does an upward trend in grades matter at all?

    Hi! i am a senior and i am nervous about college, some colleges i want to apply to are very competitive and will the grades i got in ninth grade hurt me much? I got a 2.64 in ninth grade and now I'm...
  2. who created god,he never popped out of thin air did he?

    they say every thing has to come from somewhere, so who or what created god?and dont say he has always been there .
  3. 1994 Honda Civic Quits Running After 30 Secs, No Spark...Any Ideas?

    I have a 1994 Honda Civic DX, 2 dr, Manual, with the l.5L engine. The other day I was driving to work on the freeway and it died. I coasted over to the shoulder and could not get the car to start. ...
  4. Are there any sites for Blackberry Curve users to get free themes/ ringtones ?

    OR any other fun things for a blackberry
  5. Replies

    Who owns the traffic cones?

    My wee neighbour is a bit of a nutter and keeps herself busy by doing silly things.she brought some traffic cones (the orange type, I have no idea where she brought them from!) last night and put...
  6. mmm.. Sounds like you be gettin some baby gravy!...

    mmm.. Sounds like you be gettin some baby gravy! Yea but anyway, you need to speak normally do that people can understand you! Dumbass!! >:[
  7. Replies

    Which Iphone should i get. the 8 or 16gb?

    i have just over 600 itunes and dont really plan on adding movies or any other big files. please help me
  8. How do I know wether to get an 8gb or 16gb iphone 3g?

    So im getting one at the end of the month but i dont know which one to get. I have only 600 or so itunes and dont plan on putting movies on or any extremeley big files.
  9. Replies

    Would you get the iphone or new blackberry?

    Im about to buy one of the two. Best answer gets 10 points
  10. Replies

    Who can help me meet Meryl Streep?

    Please, there has to be somebody out there who knows how I can meet her. I just love her sooo much. Don't answer if you don't know and please be nice.
  11. SUBARU FORESTER Leaks oil!!! Possible problem with blow by valve?

    98' Forester w/ 4 cyl. 2.5 with recent head work. Now during travel, it leaks oil from what looks like the front of the oil pan. First thought it was front main but not so. Returned it many times to...
  12. How do I remove/clean the metal tarnish off my iPhone 2g?

    From normal wear and tear, it seems the back metal as accumulated metal tarnish around the corners and near the camera lens. How can I clean or remove this without damaging my iphone?
  13. What plan do I need with T-mobile for my unlocked iphone2g?

    I'm currently with MetroPCS, and I'm buying an unlocked 2g iphone, and want to sign up with Tmobile. Do i need to sign a 2yr contract? What services do I need with Tmobile to utilize all the perks on...
  14. Replies

    More stress, more fear; girls only.?

    I posted a few minutes ago, but here is the deal and the update..

    On Tuesday (June 24th) my boyfriend and I had sex. I have been on the birth control pill (ortho tricyclen low) for 7 packages...
  15. what is the best point and shoot digital camera?

    what is the best brand and specific camera

    i want something that has a good optical zoom, at least 6x and that has image stabilization
    i want something that will give me clear pictures when i...
  16. How can I record 1 audio file with 2 microphones?

    Have you heard "Vitual barbershop?"
    I want to produce something like that.
    Can you give me some help?
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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