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Type: Posts; User: Ronnie

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  1. Why do religious people who rant seem to have difficulty with the English language?

    Its just an observation.
  2. Replies

    i sense there's a lot of autism in that list

    i sense there's a lot of autism in that list
  3. i wouldn't see since your fat would probably...

    i wouldn't see since your fat would probably block out the sunlight
  4. Are botox or hyaluronic acid injections contraindicated for someone on

    antidepressants? Hi

    I've previously had botox and have been intending to have hyaluronic acid injections for some time.
    I have recently been prescribed the antidepressant sertraline and wondered...
  5. Replies

    Can pontiac 326 be fitted w/ 400 heads?

    I've got pontiac 400 heads from a previous motor that is no longer with us(R.I.P) and pontiac 326 ready to go. I heard someone say once that all 326- 400 had enter changeable heads and manifolds. ...
  6. Why do so many women complain about their men losing sexual interest instead of...

    ...hitting the gym? Feminists are always quick to declare that men are cheaters and/or slouches, but what would happen if instead of running their mouth they actually ran on the treadmill?
  7. does anyone know anything about ludie bell slaughter ?

    she was my grandmother on my fathers side i think. she was married to henry harrison laird. my father was herman laird.
  8. Replies

    Internet help please 10 pts.?

    I have Firefox although just last night its been acting weird. I cant listen to music on Imeem, and I can't watch any youtube videos. I'll click on a random youtube video the link will pop up and...
  9. What size tank?

    What size tank?
  10. Replies

    I'm not sure if bettas will be ok with endlers. I...

    I'm not sure if bettas will be ok with endlers. I would take a guess that only one or two will be comfortable with a ten gallon tank. My suggestion would be to get tetras. They are small and hardy...
  11. Replies

    What type of music genre are these two? ?

    What type of genre are these two? they are my 2 fav songs of late

  12. Need help fixing car stereo in 92 olds cutlass?

    i have a 92 oldsmobile cutlass that i am installing an amp and speakers in(the rear, the front ones im keeping stock)

    when i was working on it the other day i cut the old speaker wires in the back...
  13. Would you own Gizmo from the Gremlins if he was real?

    I now I sure he'd be pretty'd rock to have him instead of a cat or a dog...agree??
  14. Replies

    Will This Graphics Card Work With My PC?

    This is my first time ever shopping for a graphics card, so I am being a little cautious. Can anybody tell me if this is compatible or not. If...
  15. Why is the term "homo" offensive to homosexual people even though it is so

    much more precise than "gay?"? When you say gay you could mean so many things like lame, weird, girly, happy, not necessarily homosexual.

    But when you say something like, "I am tired of all these...
  16. Is this why Halloween is by far feminists' favorite holiday?

    1. Only day you're guaranteed to get at least something in the sack
    2. The uglier you are the higher chances of "getting some"
    3. Maybe some neighbor will give malt meat balls instead of candy.
  17. Replies

    What are these type of braces called?

    What are the braces called when it's like a cover.
    They form to your teeth and gradually straighten them.
  18. Replies

    where is the Canadian iTunes store?

    How do i buy stuff from Apple Store?
    when i click on Apple store button on my ipod touch and try to buy something, it says your account is only valid for purchases in the Canadian iTunes store....
  19. What is the best move now for Gina Carano since EliteXc folded??? I wanna

    see womens MMA continue to grow!? It sucks for Carano and her opponent Santos..its was basically gonna be the womens MMA fight of alltime..Dana has said no continuesly about a womens...
  20. Have you ever heard of being Tarred and Feathered, Friends do this?

    I need a poem
  21. Does anyone know Discover Card's vacation policy? My friend told me they start... hires with 5 weeks.? I find it hard to believe that any company starts brand new employees with 5 weeks vacation, but if they do, I definitely want to look into it.
  22. Replies

    What's wrong with your brother/sister greeting...

    What's wrong with your brother/sister greeting her first? Might get a response from her. It is a two way thing!
  23. Would you own Gizmo from the Gremlins if he was real?

    I now I sure he'd be pretty'd rock to have him instead of a cat or a dog...agree??
  24. Who, among celebrities or famous people, is in your opinion the epitome of...

    ...femininity and masculinity? For me, its Marilyn Monroe and Sylvester Stallone...
  25. Would you own Gizmo from the Gremlins if he was real?

    I now I sure he'd be pretty'd rock to have him instead of a cat or a dog...agree??
Results 1 to 25 of 66
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