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Type: Posts; User: Danielle

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  1. Why do mean and my boyfriend have nothing to talk about?

    Okay so when me and my boyfriend are in person we can tak forever and in the phone but when we text it's so boring its just I love u and what's up nothing much okay I love you I mean damn we can...
  2. How can I create a google static map that updates the users location and the...

    ...image in an android app? I have to design a game that has a static mini map in the corner of the screen. There will be a marker for the location of the device. The marker needs to periodically...
  3. Replies

    How to stop a rumor about you?

    There has been a big gossip going around the school, not just middle school but high school and elementally that the 6th graders can't go to the camp this year because I kissed max and was caught....
  4. if any one can tell me where i can buy online indian books?

    help me to find out the online book store!
  5. Replies

    LOL which picture is cuter?
  6. Replies

    at&t !

    at&t !
  7. can you please help me with natural treatments for type 2 diabetes..I...

    ...helped so many and now I need help? lat I had an aic test it was just under the bad number (told three times I had it and three times I didn't') and so I got afraid to check it but took it...
  8. I'd be glad that she trusted me enough to tell me.

    I'd be glad that she trusted me enough to tell me.
  9. Replies

    i would ask your doctor about that. are u under a...

    i would ask your doctor about that. are u under a lot of stress or have enough sleep.
  10. Replies

    How do i make my blue eyes pop more?

    I have pretty blue eyes and I want to make them stand out even more. I wear a brown/bronzy shadow right now...but i still think they could pop more. Any ideas?
  11. Replies

    Which network is beter? T-mobile or...?

    T-mobile or Verizon Wireless
  12. Replies

    got a Verizon phone and i need help?

    i have the env2 and i didn't want it. my mom said she would get one and we could trade but i don't know how to switch them. i want all my contacts on the other phone can you help?
  13. Replies

    What would you do in this situation?

    I found out I was pregnant in October, I am now 5 months pregnant. My boyfriend and I decided to look for a house, my Dad had recently moved out of his house to live with his girlfriend, so I...
  14. What to do to get her to stop complaining?

    One of my friends - one of my BEST friends - complains all of the time. She's amazing, but it seems like all she ever does is complain.
    For example, when we were on a trip, we stayed in the same...
  15. Replies

    when they break your eardrum and you start...

    when they break your eardrum and you start bleading out of you ears...
    too loud is arround 100-150
  16. Nbc

  17. Replies

    Spotting on Nuvaring?

    I have been on Nuvaring for over a year and have never had this problem. I had my period the last week of Jan. and put the ring in on Sun Feb 1. And now, almost a week later I am spotting. Anyone...
  18. like 7 or something...i dont remember. and...

    like 7 or something...i dont remember.

    and prolly 12 to swim
  19. Replies

    I can't answer between these two phones, but I...

    I can't answer between these two phones, but I have had LGs for YEARS and I just recently got a Samsung, and I LOVE it more than any LG I ever got, and I was an LG fanatic.
  20. Replies

    Anyone ever use VERITONES for ringtones?

    Are you happy with it? Has anyone ever gotten any fees from them? Just curious. THANKS!
    I meant VENTONES... sorry.
  21. Replies

    Have I eaten healthy so far today?

    By the way, I don't mean healthy to mantain weight, im trying to lose weight with diet&exercise

    For breakfast I had
    1/2 cup of 1% cottage cheese
    a tangerine
    a peice of 35 calorie light wheat...
  22. What kind of bluetooth earpiece would work with my phone?

    I don't have a clue about bluetooth ear pieces. I want one that recharges, (I can buy a charger separately, that is no issue), and I would like it to be a good one with no wind noise that picks up my...
  23. who here watches supernatural with dean and sam?

    i love it isnt it the best show and eye candy every ep and i really like the characters adn how close they are as brothers .

    thursdays at 8.00pm
  24. Replies

    its called the dinousaurs i bought the first 2...

    its called the dinousaurs i bought the first 2 seasons at wal mart and they have i think 2 more or something you can probably find it on amazon its like got a moma and a brother sister and dad and...
  25. Replies

    its called the dinousaurs i bought the first 2...

    its called the dinousaurs i bought the first 2 seasons at wal mart and they have i think 2 more or something you can probably find it on amazon its like got a moma and a brother sister and dad and...
Results 1 to 25 of 292
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