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Type: Posts; User: MelissaM

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  1. I don't know how much I can lift, but I know I...

    I don't know how much I can lift, but I know I can lift 60 pounds.
  2. fey

  3. I blocked aim on my phone how do i unblock it.?

    So i blocked aim when someone texted me from it once and how do i get it so people can?
  4. You might have been pregnant and miscarried.It...

    You might have been pregnant and miscarried.It happens and it's normal.
  5. what should i do about me and my boyfriend's bleak future?

    ok so heres the story of me and my bf. hes a year younger then me i met him when i was in 8th grade and fell inlove with him. we started officialy going out august 08. our relationship has been very...
  6. My sister is out of control. What can I do?

    She steals my clothes, then says its hers. And my parents just say, "we'll buy you a replacements." She had previously stole all my stuff; jewelry box, lights, jewelry, my friend's stuff, my shoes,...
  7. Replies

    how do i know when my pet fish are dead?

    ok i have a pet fish and today in the morning 2 were like laying down on the bottom and i got so scared how do i know if my fish is dead or alive or just sleeping? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
  8. Replies

    I think that if a doctor does it it won't grow...

    I think that if a doctor does it it won't grow back... but doing it at home it will. Doctors should take out the entire thing, you are probably only getting part of it.
  9. Where can I purchase folic acid or acidophilus to cure my BV? HELP!?

    Well, first of all, I THINK I have BV. Does this sound like it to you?...
    -smells horrid
    -sometimes strechy

    If I do have BV, where can I get the stuff to cure it,...
  10. Replies

    LOL Go to a clinic right away. Next time wait...

    LOL Go to a clinic right away. Next time wait till you're married.
  11. Where can I purchase yeast infection meds & can I get them w/out my parents

    knowing? HELP!? I think I have an infection. I may need meds.
    I'm humiluated to tell my parents. I don't want them to know.
    My discharge is clear, stretchy, thick, and smells bad. Is this a yeast...
  12. How do I get free ringtones for my iPhone?

    I just got an iPhone today for my birthday. And I would really like to know how to get ringtones on to the phone from my iTunes. Can anyone help?!?!? Thanks.
    I heard there was a website that you...
  13. how you i get along with my boyfriends parents?

    They are rude and standoffish towards me. I've been friendly and polite and listen to all of their stories (up to five times). I don't like them. They are very different than anyone I have...
  14. my dogs belly is making noise is that the pups talking?

    my poodle i think she is pregnant she is almost 7 weeks
  15. How can i download a course from the internet?

    I´ve payed an online course which has a deadline in december of this year. I would like to download it, but i do not know how. When i do right click in the animation it says "know more about adobe...
  16. Trouble re installing wireless internet on my laptop?

    I have recently had my computer reformatted
    It used to have Windows Xp installed but the system called for Windows Millenium. So i currently have Millenium installed.
    I already have my wireless...
  17. Replies

    What is wrong with my computer?

    I cannot watch videos nor can i see certain texts and feature boxs such as the conversation box that might appear in yahoo messenger.
    Is something wrong with one of my programs?
    What could...
  18. Replies

    Where can i buy the Nike Sensor??

    I just bought the new ipod touch and i want to use the nike sensor? I don't have a credit card so i want to buy it at a store. Where can i buy it as ( best buy, Wal mart, target) and how much will it...
  19. Replies

    Questions about blood tests?

    I just had some blood test done and had a few questions:

    My T3 levels are low 18.9(normal 27-42)
    My TSH was normal 3.26(.27-4.2 range)
    My b12 is low 427
    my ferritin is low 5.0(13-150 range)
  20. Replies

    Is the Iphone worth buying?

    I'm thinking of buying an iphone soon. But is it all what it seems?
    please give me your opinions on it!
  21. I'm not sure what's wrong with my 96 Ford explorer.. Will someone help me?

    The other day I was driving down the road and I went to speed up some so I hit the gas peddle and it wouldn't do anything just sounded like it was in park reeving up. So I pulled over to the side of...
  22. Replies

    NEW IPOD TOUCH internet WiFi?

    ok so i am going to buy a new ipod touch and it says you need a wireless connection to use the internet. My neighbor has a wireless connection that i use for my labtop. Will i be able to use that????...
  23. Replies

    POLL: Do gays go to church?

    if so, isn't it ironic b/c obviously being gay is a sin?
  24. Replies

    POLL: Do gay men scare you?

    they scare me soo much especially the out of the closet feminine ones
  25. POLL: Who is the most overrated celebrity?

    i think it is Miley Cyrus, Jonas brothers and Angelina Jolie. I hear abt them almost everyday
Results 1 to 25 of 51
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