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Type: Posts; User: Josephine

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  1. Replies

    Just jokes or not about having a baby?

    I have a boyfriend and I was hanging with his best friend and said so when are u guys going to get busy and I said in a week and he said you are going to be 13and have a baby and then told my...
  2. Replies

    How can I get a celebrity boyfriend?

    I just want to say, I'm not shallow, i just want to experience what it's like to go out with someone famous. It is a genuine, intellectual interest, though I would not mess anyone around if we...
  3. Does CBS's Survivor on DVD come with all the episodes and tv recaps and the...

    ...season finale? I just want to know if everything CBS shows on TV for survivor is included in the DVD box set as well. Like for example the episode previews for each next episode. Is that also...
  4. Replies

    It's the formula. Stick to breast milk only.

    It's the formula. Stick to breast milk only.
  5. lol, just wait ;) How old is your daughter? ...

    lol, just wait ;)

    How old is your daughter? Have you been a parent of a toddler yet??
  6. Replies

    I have a four year old. I usually wake up with a...

    I have a four year old. I usually wake up with a small whirling dervish spining around, jumping on my bed screaming "It's Time To Get UP!"

    I don't think I have had a coherant waking thought in...
  7. Not to mention ... Lowers the risk of cancers...

    Not to mention ...

    Lowers the risk of cancers for baby AND mom!

    I agree, who wouldn't want to do that for their baby?

    I think there is a lot of misinformation. I hear people say "I can't...
  8. What are some safe modifications to do to a 2006 acura rsx automatic tranny?

    I don't race or anything or blast my car on supermode or whatever but what are some safe changes to do to my rsx?
  9. What are some good websites to buy acura rsx parts/accessories

    I wanna change my car a bit :)
  10. Some simple things to do with my 2006 acura rsx?

    I wanna add a little more to my base model 2006 acura rsx (im a girl but a tomboy, anyways). I dont wanna change it a whole lot but what would be some basic performance and exterior changes I can do?
  11. Replies

    what type of internet realtionship? love over...

    what type of internet realtionship?
    love over facebook or myspace? or chat room etc?
    i met a realy nice guy over the net he seemed woderfull and i realy got to know a lot about him and what he is...
  12. Is someone else allowed to use my extended service plan>?

    I bought a service plan for my sony camera but am deciding to sell it now. If i sell it and give them my service plan, will they even be able to use it?
  13. No.

  14. lol Sometimes. My husband tried to talk our son...

    lol Sometimes. My husband tried to talk our son into a mohawk for his band but he didn't want one.
  15. Kind of hard to thrive when the Xians come in,...

    Kind of hard to thrive when the Xians come in, burn your churches and kill your people if they don't convert.
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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