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Type: Posts; User: Bradley

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  1. How do you send files via bluetooth on the BlackBerry Playbook?

    I have recently purchaced a BlackBerry Playbook which I have taken some photos on and I was wondering how or if you can send these photos to another device such as a mobile phone using bluetooth?
  2. How long does it take to receive a text from T-Mobile with my PAC code?

    Called T-Mobile last night at about 10:00, the guy said he would text me the number within 6 hours. 12 hours later - nothing. How long does it typically take to arrive?
  3. Replies

    is there a guitar hero for your g1?

    like anywhere where you could download it to or from your phone?
    or any other really fun game suggestions you can download from the app store?
  4. Replies

    Why is gas going back up?

    I live in ga where 1 1/2 months ago gas was 1.45 a gallon now its 1.82 a gallon. Will this continue? What is the reasoning behing this?
    That sucks i hear oil is at a record low and they are just...
  5. Do you need a tag for hunting coyotes in Minnesota?

    If I go coyote hunting will I need a tag for it? I looked on the DRN website, I looked in the hunting restriction book and couldn't find anything about varmint/coyote hunting. I even asked my friends...
  6. What are some sandbox games that you know that ARE NOT rated M? In other words

    they are rated T or less.? I want to know any sandbox game even if it is terrible. My parents wont let me get an M rated game, so they need to be Teen or under. thank you!!
  7. Replies

    What is recipe for indonesian tea?

    Think it has black tea and cardomon and you heat up on stove.
  8. Will i do damage to my car by jump starting someone else's car?

    specifically battery damage
  9. Replies

    i couldnt figure out how so i made a whole new...

    i couldnt figure out how so i made a whole new account
  10. Replies

    flavor flav

    flavor flav
  11. Replies


  12. Replies

    how to give a file internet access?

    i got spore for the PC, and i accidentally pressed block all access. how can i make it so i can grant access? i already tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, did not work.
  13. yes.

  14. Replies

    Power supply for child's electric bike?

    I have just been given a little child's bike that is said to be electric. It has a small motor and a few globes attached here and there. when a button is pressed the wheels spin. This is when I hook...
  15. How can you charge up a 6v battery for child

    Just want to charge up recharge batter 6v 10ah. It is part of child's electric bike and hasn't got recarger. What is best way to recharge this rechargeable battery. Can we apply 6v to it or does it...
  16. Does anyone have a really good recipe that uses tvp mince and not meat?

    Have some tvp mix (soy meal) and just wondered if anyone had any ideas?
  17. I just recently purchased a dvd drive that uses Sata to connect to my PC and I...

    ...can't get it to work.? I just recently purchased a dvd drive that uses Sata to connect to my PC and I can't get it to work because my computer uses ICE interface. How do I install it? Can I...
  18. serv size 1/2 c. total carbs 5g. no sugars listed

    serv size 1/2 c. total carbs 5g. no sugars listed
  19. Yes, I am studying in England this fall, and my...

    Yes, I am studying in England this fall, and my family is at times supportive but at times they want me to stay here. I say you have to go for it--it's your life and you have to do what you want...
  20. naww heavens gay. the internet has to much...

    heavens gay.

    the internet has to much porn on it.
    thats a "no no".
  21. What is the difference between an Acid trip and a shroom trip?

    Is an Acid trip much more vibrant?

    Is acid easier to hallucinate with?
Results 1 to 21 of 21
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