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Type: Posts; User: Anne

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  1. Trying to figure out if my best guy friend likes me. He jokes around with me all...

    ...the time and we play fight? I was at his house (which happens a lot just to hang out) and for like the 4th or 5th time we ended up play fighting. It started when I wanted to go upstairs to get a...
  2. One conclusion that can be reached from the evidence about Mansa Musa's rule of...

    ...Mali is that?????????? Anwer choices
    1) The Slave Trade originated in West Africa
    2) Trade was not necessary for a civilization to survive
    3) Christianity was a dominant religion in Africa...
  3. What is a good digital voice recorder for lectures?

    I need one with very good sound quality playback. (Understandable when listening back to voice lectures) I sit on the front and the closest distance from the professor and me is about 5-6 feet apart....
  4. Which line of skincare product (cleanser/ moisturizer) has the most...

    ...satisfaction rate and a trust able line? Neutrogeana
    Clean and Clear

    I choose olay. what do you guys think...
  5. My Nokia 5300 says "CONTACT SERVICE" when I open it. What could be wrong?

    I was just listening to my phone's mp3 and it's almost low battery. And then, it shut down and when I charged it, reopened it, the phone is now blank and says, "CONTACT SERVICE" in red font. What...
  6. Replies

    How much to spend on San Francisco Trip?

    Hello everyone. I haven't traveled on my own yet, always with family, so I need some help planning a budget for a week long trip to San Francisco. I am planning on either couch surfing or staying in...
  7. Replies

    How old is my hamster?

    My hamster snickers is a regular short haired hamster. He is always sleeping and he likes to sleep in the tube I have for him! How can I tell how old he is?
  8. My Nokia 5300 lost its calculator. Where to download?

    Do you know where I could download the STANDARD NOKIA 5300 CALCULATOR? Please answer ACCORDINGLY.
  9. I need an outfit for a dance..hollywood themed ?

    Were having a dance at school that is Hollywood themed. I don't want to wear a dress because were not going to a fancy restaurant so any ideas? Pictures would be nice! Skirts..cute shirts...anything....
  10. Replies

    How to deal with my parents temper?

    I'm 16, i know i am young. But i also know that my parents have tempers/strong emotions specially my dad. If i do a slight thing wrong or something doesn't go according to plan my parents get...
  11. Replies

    All your predictions are possible. Only #5...

    All your predictions are possible.

    Only #5 would actually sadden me, tho I think some day that it is inevitable.
  12. Replies

    motorola V3 razr help!?

    ok so i bought a motorola v3 razr...and i am trying to put a security on it so that no one reads my msgs and
    * security code *
  13. Replies

    do you have any celebrity emails ?

  14. Replies

    can you reset a goal on wii fit?

    i actually want to be serious about my goal now, but i can't do anything because i already have one set.

    is there a way to change the "due date" for your goal?

  15. Replies

    A soundtrack to "The Pigman?"?

    For an English Project I have to create a soundtrack to Paul Zindel's "The Pigman." I love the book, I just can't think of any good songs for it.
  16. Replies

    should i get skin id?

    i have had acne for 2 years and I'm 13. I have breakouts a lot, and my face always gets dried up.
    Leave comments!
  17. I have a slight fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and gas.What do I eat/drink

    to feel better? everything basically went away except for the diarrhea and gas. Am i supposed to drink water or 7up? Also, what do i eat? (ive just been eating toast)
  18. Replies

    what pasta dish can i serve with this steak?

    this steak

    i wont be making the fries and spinach like in the...
  19. I dragged and dropped some picture files to my lg dare phone, most of the pictures

    show up but some pictures? don't show and there is an explanation point, has anyone experienced this problem before with this phone?

    p.s. I loaded about 100 pics on the micro sd at 1 time.
  20. You have to make a decision. Door #1: Change...

    You have to make a decision.

    Door #1: Change your style to start attracting the preppy guys.(Get over your aversion to the "preppy" style and try to find it attractive
    Door#2: Change Schools...
  21. will i be charged for long distance if i have verizon?

    if i (verizon) call my friend (not verizon) and we're in different states, will i be charged for long distance? If so, how much per minute?

    Also, if i call after nine, is it still free?
  22. Replies

    who likes/hates gossip girl here and why?

    well i hate it cause its boring and senseless lol
    how about u?
    and theres like only one episode i watched and is that chuck bass gay? hes so weird.
  23. Replies

    Human intimacy = Sexuality?

    I'm usually repellent towards normal intimacy, such as getting touched in any manner, especially hugging. So I found it quite strange when I enjoyed being laid on top of; it was a 'I'm supporting...
  24. Replies

    who likes/hates gossip girl here and why?

    well i hate it cause its boring and senseless lol
    how about u?
    and theres like only one episode i watched and is that chuck bass gay? hes so weird.
  25. Songs like Boats and Bird by Gregory and the hawks!!?

    I have become obsessed with the group Gregory and the Hawks, especially their song Boats and Birds. Does anyone know what songs/bands/groups have music kinda like Gregory and the hawks??

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