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Type: Posts; User: LeeL

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  1. Replies

    if you have the ability,and you can take the...

    if you have the ability,and you can take the consequeces if your plan is can daring to try it .may be you can have a great harvest.
  2. Replies

    Visco GPS model VSC-N530A?

    I had just helped out a guy who had the same problem. Get a new memory card for it, preferably a 2 gig and I have the last updated maps for USA & Canada for it zipped on my website you can download....
  3. How do I solve the problem Windows Internet Explorer Permission Denied?

    I get "Windows Internet Explorer - Permission Denied" when I try to send one email with URLs. How do I solve this problem?
  4. Replies

    yes yes D: BIG PROBLEM. bluetooth causes cancer...

    yes yes D: BIG PROBLEM. bluetooth causes cancer dude... return it ASAP!!! D:
  5. Replies

    What should I do about my parent? ?

    My dad refuses to wash his hands and vegetables... and he's got the flu right now and smells everything... and I mean EVERYTHING close to his nose... I freaked out and him once and told him "WHY? WHY...
  6. "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly"?

    When playing COD 5, it keeps closing and I get "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly". What's wrong?
  7. Urgent: In the United Kingdom, how much tips for hotel room services , for

    tips to bell boy, tips for a meal? Urgent: In the United Kingdom, how much tips for hotel room services , for tips to bell boy, tips for a meal?
    Urgent, i am going to stay in the UK hotel today. I...
  8. England;Internet; no wifi, boardband services at home, how to be on line?

    I will be in England soon. My host family has no wifi access and boardband internet services (no cable lines in the house, no internet access.)
    she does not allow me to install any internet lines....
  9. no but i wouldnt. dont they eat dog in africa? :/

    no but i wouldnt. dont they eat dog in africa? :/
  10. What are the best/worst places to work for in sales/customer service?

    in terms of:



    possibility of moving up

    how they treat employees
  11. Replies

    What's your favorite PS2 game ever?

    I can't decide mine, whats yours
  12. Replies

    Is there a cure for masochism?

    Is there a cure for masochism?
  13. Replies

    Can't ORGASM! WHY?!!!?

    I have never orgasmed and it sucks. Im a 20 something female who has had plenty of sex and self-love but ARGH! I never get off, I thought of a new theory though is it possible I'm too sensitive? I...
  14. push-ups. jumping jacks...BEST WAY SURPRISING...

    push-ups. jumping jacks...BEST WAY SURPRISING WAY? TAI-CHI movements of the arms seriously it gets tiring.
  15. Software/program to MIX/DJ MUSIC? 10 POINTS!!!?

    i saw this once on my friends computer. she could overlap songs or take parts and insert them and make a great party cd. no awkward pauses between songs. where can i get this software? preferably...
  16. Jay Chou! He is the man with the plan and plenty...

    Jay Chou! He is the man with the plan and plenty of sexy people will take him to where is is going!
Results 1 to 16 of 18
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