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Type: Posts; User: Jonah

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  1. Anyone have a Northwestern France sauce recipe?

    It's for an assignment :/
    I've googled and I can't find anything.
  2. i hate too skinny. and i dont like chunky/out of...

    i hate too skinny. and i dont like chunky/out of shape.

    there's a happy medium. slender and athletic is my preference, but still with some curves in the right places.
  3. Replies

    Why do I find virgins so attractive?

    Oftentimes, without knowing beforehand, I always find myself attracted to girls who are virgins. I really get turned on by innocence, as opposed to more experienced girls. Is this normal? Is it...
  4. Does anyone have any GBA pokemon games they are willing to part with?

    I've looked wverywhere and cant find any. If you have any or know where i can get any, please contact me (e-mail).

    Thank You
  5. Replies

    breeeathe puppy.. breathe.. i didn't watch...

    breeeathe puppy.. breathe..

    i didn't watch it, but i will hazard a guess that it was complete shite. i'm right am i not?
  6. dunno.. got a psp i never use. and my brother...

    dunno.. got a psp i never use. and my brother just got a ds.. it's pretty cool.
  7. Replies

    used to be firefox for me, but i went back to...

    used to be firefox for me, but i went back to safari. i much prefer it.
  8. that would be really weird

    that would be really weird
  9. why do you care? shouldn't the fact you're a size...

    why do you care? shouldn't the fact you're a size 2 be enough? that's ridiculously skinny if you ask me.
  10. Baby P: does brave whistleblower Nevres Kamal prove we need to be more

    socially responsible and pay more tax?
    “It’s much cheaper to keep a child within its home and pay a childminder to look after it than taking it into care.

    “That is almost certainly why Baby P...
  11. why do people complain about social workers failure one minute then moan

    about proposed tax rises the next?
    presumably the first 3 answers dont know how little social workers are paid
  12. Replies

    Small red spots on bottom of both feet?

    They are underneath the skin and don't really cause any irritation, i also have dead skin there too just next to the spots. Any suggestions what this could be?

  13. Replies

    Which celebrity would you go gay for?

    I think for me it would be Nicole Sherzinger. I just watched a PCD video and she's just so sexy i could look at her forever. She seems like she could do everything, her dancing is amazing.

    i want...
  14. Replies

    people have religion to give them the answer to...

    people have religion to give them the answer to why we're here. a question unanswered is very frightening to people. nobody knows for sure.. so why are we killing people over it in wars today? can't...
  15. how do you record a video on a samsung beat straight to the memory card?

    it seems to only record to the phone, then you have to move it to the card
  16. Replies


  17. if obama becomes president, where will he park his cadillac?

    On The White House Front Lawn?

    Will He Put It On Jackstands?
  18. Replies

    should girls ride bikes?

    i used to go by the saying 'only guys and dykes ride bikes'

    now i've fulfilled my dream of getting a bmx, does that make me a dyke?
    bike as in bicycle not motorcycle
    victory - it means you are...
  19. Where can I buy a cheap synthesizer and learn how to use it?

    I live in the UK so only shops in the UK. I want a good synth that is reasonably cheap. How can I learn to use it? Is it just something that you have to figure out yourself or what?
  20. me and my friend when to the country a couple of...

    me and my friend when to the country a couple of weeks ago, it was fun.
    i wanted to drive away forever.
  21. Replies

    chucking it on the floor usually works for me

    chucking it on the floor usually works for me
Results 1 to 21 of 21
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