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Type: Posts; User: Shelley

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  1. my mom used to be like this. sit her down, ask...

    my mom used to be like this. sit her down, ask her what you have done to ever not have her trust. explain to her how you dont believe in doing things that the other kids are doing these days and how...
  2. does anyone else have issues with live fish for wedding centerpieces?

    A lot of my wedding magazines suggest it and recently some family pointed it out to me as something that was cute.

    If there was a way to safely and humanely have live animals at my reception I...
  3. The doctor is going to tell you that you're over...

    The doctor is going to tell you that you're over reacting. masturbation is healthy but you should tell your son to be aware of the people around him. That's something he should do in private....
  4. I have a '91 Honda Accord that has trouble starting (and sometimes doesn't...

    ...start at all). The electronics...? are also affected. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  5. Replies

    LG VU?? message tones.........?

    i want to use my own message tone but i need a way to get my own on there cuz they only let you use the 10 preset ones. how can i get my own on there without wrecking my phone?
  6. Replies

    Cats and their allergies. ?

    We just adopted a very sweet 6 year old fixed male. His previous owners informed us that he has food allergies and has had reactions to shots. He's on a special diet of dry food. Our current cat...
  7. I used to pet sit at 14 you could help out on a...

    I used to pet sit at 14
    you could help out on a hobby farm if you are in a rural community.
  8. how to start a small scale hermit crab rescue?

    I'm interested in starting up a small scale rescue for land hermit crabs out of my home.

    In my province land hermit crabs and inverts do not count as "animals" under animal protection acts.
  9. My LG Rumor does not ring for incoming call or messages! how do I fix it? ?

    I'm not sure if I accidently set something, but all of the sudden my Rumor doesn't ring or make noise when there's incoming calls or messages. I know speaker still works because when I go to change...
  10. Why are the rich and famous of Hollywood voting Obama when it will cost them

    hundreds of thousands in taxes? Are they that stupid that they are willing to give more of their money in taxes so that Hussein can give their money away to lazy uneducated people of America's...
  11. Replies

    best type of bedding for mice?

    Whats the best type of bedding for mice living in a cooler climate.

    I would like it to look natural if possible kind of like the field mice displays you sometimes find at museums. I use coconut...
  12. Replies

    What's the benefit to fusing a knee?

    sometimes rather then amputation after an accident or bone cancer a patient has their knee fused. What are the benefits to having a straight leg for the rest of your life opposed to wearing a...
  13. sounds to me like ick there are treatments for it...

    sounds to me like ick there are treatments for it at your local petshop
  14. Replies

    keeping newts ( other then fire belly)?

    I have 3 fire belly newts. 2 adults and 1- 7 month old baby newt

    I'm between getting cold water fish or another newt. I have a spare 10 gallon tank with filter and I'm wondering if there are...
  15. Is it mandatory to get a memory card for the lg rumor ?

    I just wanna* know if its mandatory to get the memory card or I can just buy the usb cable. ******************************************************************* Thanks:)
  16. Which horror movie has two screaming faces that form a skull on the cover?

    I was at the store recently and I remember seeing a DVD, and on the cover was two screaming faces that formed what looked like a skull. This is a horror movie, that to my knowledge, is farely new....
  17. What's the best way to eat healthy on a really tight budget?

    I'm on a really tight budget these next few semesters and wondering if anyone could give me tips on how not to destroy my body in the process of funding my tuition?

    A question I had in particular,...
  18. I have a 7 month old kitten who is very shy around can we...

    ...overcome that? Thanks!
  19. Is the Lg rumor a good phone to get and does the memory card come with the phone ?

    im going to det that phone soI just wanna noe if is a good phone to get and if the memory card comes in the same boz with the phone or if u have to buy it seperatley
  20. Replies

    my future inlaws and my cat?

    So my Fiance and I have this 8 year old cat. She has lived with my family since she was 6 weeks old one day I offered to pet sit and the cat didn't want to leave so she lives with now.

    my Fiance...
  21. I'm a Christian and I believe in inclusivism,...

    I'm a Christian and I believe in inclusivism, which means, in my opinion, other faiths have some truth in them, but are only partly developed or they don't fully understand the correct teachings of...
  22. Replies

    four wheel drive Honda Pilot?

    I drive a somewhat twisty-turny road to work, and so traded in my sedan this summer for a 2005 Honda Pilot (also needed a larger vehicle to transport a large dog)
    I admit completely that I am by no...
  23. Replies

    orders from cingular online??

    i ordered something yesterday from cingular online, my phone, and i was just wondering when would it be here at its soonest and its latest. thanks! =]
  24. My cat just started sneezing about a day further...?

    He received an injection earlier in the week for swollen/inflammed skin and I just started taking him for walks on a leash 2 days ago (first time outside). Do you think any of these could be the...
  25. Replies

    Flash bracket for Canon Rebel XT?

    I have a Rebel XT without battery grip, and recently purchased a Canon Speedlite 430 EX flash. Will a Stroboframe 350 Quickflip be an appropriate bracket to add to this set-up?
Results 1 to 25 of 25
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