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Type: Posts; User: Bryan

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  1. WordPress | What are the best Bitcoin/ CryptoCoin widgets/ plugins?

    So I just started a new website, . This website is supposed to be a guide for people to learn some of the major CryptoCoins, learn about noteworthy news involving the...
  2. women taking pictures of me from the car next to me!?

    So i was driving my car yesterday with the window down, and a suv passed me. The windows werent tinted so you could see inside. I saw one of the women in the back seat nudge the other. She turns and...
  3. Creating a website. How can I automatically get the exchange rates of...

    ...different crypto coins and display them? I'm creating a website. My end goal is to have a website that looks like this one:
    I basically need to have the exact thing that...
  4. Replies

    My gpu doesnt support shader model 2.0?

    Just installed a Sapphire Hd 7790 on my pc, when i start up LoL, it says my gpu doesnt support shader model 2.0. im pretty sure it supports it as its not an old card. how to fix? alrdy installed...
  5. Make litecoin miner start up on a schools computer system without them knowing?

    Okay, here's what I'm trying to do: I'd like to figure out a way to install a litecoin miner program configured to my pool's account onto my school's computer system. I'd like to have the program...
  6. what street bike jacket has visible metal armor?

    i was in a store somewhere and saw a jacket that had built in visible armor... it was either black in color or raw metal in color but the armoring was not covered by a material such as leather or...
  7. Replies

    How do i repair explorer from lastxp dvd?

    i need to repair explorer in lastxp , cant seem to figure out when i tell it to repair instead of install in the setup
    so how do i repair system files in lastxp with disc?
  8. Replies

    Dual-booting Vista and Ubuntu?

    Since I never got an answer in Networking about what I should do for the connections limit patch for Vista not working I'm going to download Ubuntu.

    First, I want to know if you have to burn the...
  9. I have some questions about fuel and oil, can anyone help me out?

    I was wondering these questions about oil just wondering if anyone can help me out.

    How are oil in the products of the reaction used by the industry?

    Has the industry made any recent advances...
  10. a different town

    a different town
  11. About love birds? Please answer my questions?

    What kind of toy should I put in my lovebirds cage? And oh yeah, how do they lay egg? Do you need male and female?
  12. Replies

    Is it weird to get a rim job?

    Im just wondering.. thanks
  13. ok i been secrhing online on Predictions for 2009 can someone tell me

    what disasters will come true and? is there going to happen anything on june or july?
  14. Theys are good drills that i've followed and now...

    Theys are good drills that i've followed and now im dunkin like LEBRON JAMES..No lie

    1.)Step ups - Get a chair and ensure it will remain stable(e.g.put it against a wall). Begin with one thigh on...
  15. Replies

    Yeah, but it's not just celebs that get by with...

    Yeah, but it's not just celebs that get by with things. Even in small towns, police officers will give a speeding ticket to one person because they are related to someone important, etc. It's...
  16. Replies

    What's a good new year's-themed movie?

    Some friends and I are planning on getting together for New Year's Eve on Wednesday, and if the even that we're attending is super lame we have backup plans to return to an apartment and watch a...
  17. Replies

    itunes and iPod crash computer?

    My friends iPod (not sure if this is important, but it was the 80GB version) was recently restored (everything from the hard drive was removed) and when he reconnected it, iTunes did not recognize...
  18. Ford F-1 4x4

    Ford F-1 4x4
  19. How do i use someone else's wireless network to connect to LIVE for my Xbox 360 ?

    i have my friends permission to use his network to connect to Live on xbox 360..But i don't know how to connect or the procedures to connect to his wireless network..

    Can some PLEASSE help me :(
  20. All my browsers aren't working except internet explorer?

    This happened to me a week ago when I just came back from a 6 day 5 night camping trip. I switched on my 3gb ram windows vista hp laptop, which I had turned off and left at home since the trip, and...
  21. I just saw some ear cancelling headphones at Big...

    I just saw some ear cancelling headphones at Big Lots for under $20.
    Of course the quality maybe lacking
  22. Chargers great 1. 4-8 2. preseason was to...



    1. 4-8
    2. preseason was to vbe 11-5
  23. Replies

    Scan your computer for viruses. Did you download...

    Scan your computer for viruses. Did you download or install anything recently? That might be what is causing it.
  24. Replies

    Scan your computer for viruses. Did you download...

    Scan your computer for viruses. Did you download or install anything recently? That might be what is causing it.
  25. Replies

    Scan your computer for viruses. Did you download...

    Scan your computer for viruses. Did you download or install anything recently? That might be what is causing it.
Results 1 to 25 of 108
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