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Type: Posts; User: ttttPlayIttttt

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  1. Replies

    jonas brothers outfit?

    sounds cute. Maybe some buttons and a purse to add to that outfit.
  2. Replies

    jonas brothers outfit?

    i think it'd b great, just so u know, they do have jewelry at the jonas brothers fan site, u might wanna get a neclace or bracelet or sumthin-have fun
  3. More old men n d province still walking while n d cities looked sickly & dying, why?

    Pressure, pollution - noise, air, non-healthy foods, lack of exercise.In the provinces you get a good night sleep, breathe clean air, eat fresh and often pesticide-free produce and live life simply....
  4. Replies

    help with labor?

    It's okay..if the drip didn't work then giving mother nature a little time is a good idea. Long as the baby's heart rate is good and the fluid is good then there isn't a problem.
  5. I'm going to San diego on monday and iwas hoping some of the locals could point me away from touristy spots?

    I don't want to spend my whole vacation walled up in some mass built resort there. any cool local spots to go hang out and have a couple of beers? any good restaurants or take away? cool things to do...
  6. how do i lose 15-20 lbs in about 2 months?

    Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32...
  7. Replies

    Where is the best place...?

    virginna Beach
  8. Acne Help - best answer 10 pts please!!!?

    First of all, are you washing your face day and night? I usually use Neutrogena Clear Pore Oil Eliminating Astringent, which works well and clears the dirt off of my skin. I think it's one of the...
  9. Is it wrong not to care what happens to a person that disrepects her parents?

    My friend's daughter, age 37, just found out that she needs major surgery to have a pancreatic cyst removed. She is disrespectful and verbally and emotionally abusive to her mother and stepfather. Of...
  10. Replies

    I still do not understand this.?

    it's possible that you ovulated later in your cycle than most people normally do. not all people's cycles are the same. i would go with the measurements because generally babies grow at a known rate....
  11. When did certain Americans decide they were entitled to high wages for essentially unskilled labor?

    I hear the whines all the time... people who have no skills beyond basic, everyday skills, think they are entitled to make T shirts and get paid 50 grand a year to do it. Where in the Constitution...
  12. English help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    At my school, in my gifted English class, we use a simple method. R- restate the questionA- answer all parts of the question P- prove or discuss your answerThis is a big help when answering reading...
  13. Do you read the introductions in books?

    Do you read the introductions in books?
  14. Replies

    Is this too much?

    yes is too much
  15. MIGRANT POLITICIANS.Would the dolts that tell us how our lives are better in the UK with the introduction of?

    mass immigration,and that is what it is,be just as happy if politicians from other countries came here offering to do a better job(not too hard that!)for a lot less than the present clowns are...
  16. is some one there to become my girl friend?

    yaaah, u r absolutely right. after reading Ur question i think u r a nice boy someone made f4 u .......plzzz w8 for her . bcoz..........kisi ne kha hai..........sabar ka fal mitha ho ta...
  17. Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....?

    They don't disagree with that. They just don't understand that they use the same exact mechanism, so that the only difference is time.Basically, they believe in steps, but ask for proof that a...
  18. Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    It is a toss up. Men are more visual but women are extraordinarily picky.
  19. how should i apologize to him? (10 points!)?

    Reply to his text, don't be too nice. Just be friendly. Maybe something like "Yeah I'm having fun. Hows yours going?"Or even tomorrow say something, yet again not over the top, just be friendly....
  20. how should i apologize to him? (10 points!)?

    You see Bob (whatever his name is) in class or in the hall You: Hey Bob, I forgot to ask you about your vacation. Bob: Oh it was fine You: Listen I'm sorry about everything, I still want to be your...
  21. Replies

    spanish translation,please help?

    "I será mi pasaporte para la aplicación de esta semana, y yo estoy recibiendo mexico seguro de automóvil, i am de compra en lÃ*nea. I necesita saber exactamente qué dÃ*a vamos a salir y también...
  22. Replies

    Disney Vacation?

    magic kingdom is the best park in my opinion. theres a lot more to should have stuff about each park.
  23. Do you think I should have more fun?

    I think everyone should have more fun and enjoy life
  24. What would be a better vacation spot for 19 year olds who want a beach and dance clubs. Miami or San Diego?

    Miami. Absolutely.
  25. What is London's weather like in late May?

    I am going there for a mini vacation May 15-24th and I want to know what types of clothing items I should pack. Coats, open toed heels? Dresses, pants, boots???
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