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Type: Posts; User: karma

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  1. What do you think of "The City" with Whitney Port?

    I can't get into it and think I might actually stop watching it soon. What do you think of it?
  2. Replies

    Depends on its ability, experience, training,...

    Depends on its ability, experience, training, bloodlines, age etc. It doesn't all depend on breed even though most warmbloods always cost more because their good. But as i said it depends on many...
  3. Replies

    xbox 360 and mp3 player???

    ok so i plugged my mp3 player up to the xbox plenty of times before but now when i go to select music it doesn't even recognize it and it doesn't show up? help please because i wanna listen to music...
  4. Replies

    the pedal to my exercise bike came off?

    my exercise bike is a bit old and the pedal to my exercise bike came off. can I replace it with a regular bicycle pedal or do i have to buy a new exercise bike all together?
  5. how do i transfer a bit torrent movie (a movie from piratebay) to my ipod

    (please see below for more info)? whenever i try to "add files to library", when i tried to add it it wont show on my library at all. I tried basically everything.

    Can someone please tell me...
  6. Replies

    hands down: Ashlee and pete Wetz's baby Bronx. ...

    hands down: Ashlee and pete Wetz's baby Bronx. Why would you name a baby after a boro with a bad reputation

    honorable mentions: Gwen Stefani's baby Zuma, Nicole Kidman's baby, Sunday, Victoria...
  7. I have a 1994 pontiac transport and lost my overdrive i was told i could still drive

    it, is that true? I've been told that I could drive it in 1-3 gears for a long time without a problem. can i go long distances and hills, will it keep going? I put a lot of money into it!
  8. Replies

    you have to honk your horn when you are in the...

    you have to honk your horn when you are in the blue
  9. Replies

    you have to honk your horn when you are in the...

    you have to honk your horn when you are in the blue
  10. what were these celebrity parents thinking when naming their babies?

    were the mothers that drugged up that the said the first thing they can come up with? what ever happened to...
  11. Replies

    lou pucci and camilla belle

    lou pucci
    and camilla belle
  12. Yikes,I would see if I could get them back from...

    Yikes,I would see if I could get them back from him before it happens.You should have written up some kind of contract saying if you ever broke up,that you would get them back.In this day and...
  13. Yikes,I would see if I could get them back from...

    Yikes,I would see if I could get them back from him before it happens.You should have written up some kind of contract saying if you ever broke up,that you would get them back.In this day and...
  14. Replies

    How do I cough up phlegm?

    I am sick and I can tell there is a lot of phlegm in my chest, but I never knew how to cough it up and at times, when I cough, I never realize it came up until I swallow it. YES, GROSS I KNOW, BUT...
  15. Can any wireless headset be used with the iPhone?

    Or does it have to be made and sold by Apple?
  16. Replies

    Women who get STD's vs. those that don't?

    In my experience, I've come across some of my friends who get STD's that don't sleep around and usually use protection seem to get STD's while my other friends who sleep around A LOT with numerous...
  17. i don't remember taco bell selling mexinuggets

    i don't remember taco bell selling mexinuggets
  18. How are Mazda vehicle's as far as reliability goes?

    I have a Honda Accord and I believe Honda's and Toyota's are very reliable, durable vehicles. I really want the new Mazda6, but don't know anything about their reliability and durability...Can anyone...
  19. Replies

    curiosity got the best of me and?

    I went to and typed in some of the wrestlers names and I think I found gregory helms address and home telephone number. I compared the city to the one on wikipedia and it...
  20. Replies

    curiosity got to me and....?

    I went to and typed in some of the wrestlers names and I think I found gregory helms address and home telephone number. I compared the city to the one on wikipedia and it...
  21. Replies

    Shipping a BMW from germany to ontario?

    How much approximately will this cost me? its a 2001.
  22. Replies

    Should I cancel my internet for awhile?

    I have been pretty broke for about the past year or so. More than usual. I have a shopping addiction. Anyways, I'm trying to pay down some bills, but my cable/internet bill is sky high. I have...
  23. Replies

    Sex & herpes, what do I do?

    I'm 28 and dating a 20yo that I really like. He knows I have herpes and still wants to be with me. I have dated other guys who knew about my situation, but for some reason, with him being so young, I...
  24. Replies

    I like the gossip that's actually true and...

    I like the gossip that's actually true and sometimes the interviews
  25. Xbox 360 or playstation 3 for my 9 year old son??

    Which is better?
    Which has more games for that age type?
    WHich will give me more for my money?
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