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Type: Posts; User: AnonyMouse

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  1. If the bible is from or was inspired by god, why is it so full of

    contradictions and period politics? Seems to me that an entity capable of possessing people wouldn't allow such griveous errors in their "perfect works" and autobiography?
  2. It all comes down to intensity, basically. Riding...

    It all comes down to intensity, basically. Riding a bike you don't work as much of your body as you do walking, so riding fast won't burn as much as walking fast or running. Unless you add...
  3. Vote for Obama and it will only get worse.

    Vote for Obama and it will only get worse.
  4. Why does religion follow geographic and cultural borders? Why didnt the

    christian god inform africans, asians? If you look at a world map it looks like religion spreads more like a disease than anything else. Why is that? Why didn't the chrisitan god deem africans,...
  5. Why does religion breed ignorance in the 20th and 21st century?

    When religion first appeared it enlightened people, and lots of people's first book was a bible, a torah or a quran etc. It also gathered people together in larger tribes and communities.

    So why...
  6. Replies

    Human sexuality is a spectrum. Few people are...

    Human sexuality is a spectrum. Few people are 100% gay or 100% straight. If they let go of their preconceived notions for a second, some might realize that. Don't worry about it. Follow your heart.
  7. Are you married to someone of a different denomination or religion? Do you...

    ...ever have a conflict of belief? I am an atheist, married to a catholic, and we have never, not once, argued over religion or politics. She believes in moral humanitarianism in line with the...
  8. Christians who want religion in school. Please answer honestly: How would you feel?

    Please be honest in the following two questions.

    1) Are you for or against the widely stated term "putting christianity and god back into schools in this country"?


    2) How would you feel...
  9. people say i look bored o r worried all the time?

    yea. people always think I look bored, pissed, or worried, but thats just my neutral face I guess...but I'm not. They even say Im emo or whatever cuz my face looks sad all the time. ok but the prob...
Results 1 to 9 of 9
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