Good abs and core workout?


New member
Sep 8, 2013
Hi everyone,
I'm a teenager and I really want to get a nice strong core and abs for sports and stuff. At the moment I'm just doing things like sit ups and press ups everyday, but I was wondering if there is anything more? I don't want to overdo it, I just want good, firm abs and core. Thank you :)
You should do cardio exercises and participate in some sports activities to get better fitness and strong body structure.
Outdoor cardio such as running, jogging, swimming, cycling etc. and sports such as football, basketball, tennis, and cricket etc. are the best options for your to improve your fitness and body strength.
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Yeah by doing this kind of stuff a person can surely take his wellness and shape to the next level,Just doing it in routine is what they need maintain the diet and taking care of food they have because that should be healthy and in moderation.

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