where in the world can i buy a 1963 Opel kadett?+Bonus challenge?


May 16, 2008
I am a huge top gear fan and i want to collect some of their famous cheap used cars like Clarkson's austin healey sprite for example. and the moment i saw Oliver the 1963 Opel Kadett i fell in love just like Hammond and it is literally my favorite car in the whole world (Hammonds or not). and i haven't been able to find one anywhere in the entire world (again literally). so here's my challenge see if you can find a kadett like Hammonds (color doesn't matter just that model and that year) anywhere in the world and post me a link to the car and to the first person to find it (optional. just tell me in you're answer yes or no) just e-mail me you're address and i will send you a homemade award for the worlds greatest car sleuth
opel kadett A 1963 for sale

hello, are you still interested in an 1963 Opel Kadett A?