You ppl probably get this a lot but... how do I get this stupid guy to


May 14, 2008
like me?!? lol? Well there's this guy (obviously) and he's... well AWESOME lol. Hes suuuuper cute xD. And funny (VERY). And... idk if he likes me or not :/ How do you tell? Anyway.... the problem is i am sooooo shy around people im not already comfortable with. and around him... i get nervous. there i said it lol. I mess up a lot around him. and its sooooo obvious that i like him. he knows it too. - sigh - i miss being a little kid lol i didnt have all these guy problems.

One more thing if ur gonna answer this thing dont put some stupid perverted answer lol. this goes to all you guys: WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO FRUSTERATING AND CONFUSING jeez lol. and to some girls: -_- if ur going out with ur best friends crush and she liked him first... dont be so mean... unless they are ok with it. whatever. to guys again: sry bout that confusing thing lol you cant help it... if u could choose you totally wouldnt be... right? -_- lol. I would love to have yall's answer from both girls and guys.... girls mostly xD but u guys on the other hand understand yourselves sooooo.... yeah... lol peace.