Will you be so kind to name a few platy-compatable fish?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I am hypothetically speaking, now.

I was looking at a few 30-40 gallon tanks with someone because i'm not allowed to keep a 55 gallon.

What are a few fish that are platy compatable that also:
1. Are preferably not cichlids
2. Can live in a 30-40 gallon
3. Are preferably not aggressive.

I was thinking of tiger barbs, but I read a comment online that they will nip all of your fish.
I know you said no cichlids. Angels and rams (or kribensis) though make excellent tank mates until they breed. Angels would make quick work of the platy babies and eliminate any over population problems.

Other live bearers like guppies, dwarf live bearers,enders, and swordtails (closely related to platys).

Think about a layered approach to your tank. Platy are top and mid level fish. 40 is just big enough for a bristlenose pleco for a bottom feeder. But you might perfer a fish that moves in a group, so Otto cats, Otocinclus Catfish (several species, but much the same behavior) like living in groups of 5. They are better algae eaters then are cories. They are not shy and play on the glass all the time also.

Cories are also another natural choice.

Bettas and live bearers are usually bad combinations. Each betta is slightly different in personality. I have one that just barely gets along with 4 guppies in a 55 gallon tank. You might try it. Oh, the reason I said betta, while they will swim and eat at all levels, their main hang outs are near the top.

There are lots of small barbs and tetras for the middle levels to join your platy population.

If you want a big fish, a butterfly fish would be a nice surface fish.
With the tank heavily planted they can get along with a wide range of fish. Too lightly planted and no more platy.

Run any stock though a stocking calculator line aqadvisor.com
They will tell you of any overstocking issue, amount of water change, and any problems between species.
Guppies, mollys, danos, cory catfish, swordtails, tetras, dwarf gouramis, and otocinclus are all non agressive and don't nip fins. They fit in perfectly with platys.
well i have a 40 gallon tank and i have
3 platies the red n black ones forgot the full name 1 is preg
3 mollies 2 of them are preg
1 red tail shark
2 angel fish
1 pleco
2 kuli loach
and all my fish seem to get on but tbh i would not recommend angel fish even tho mine are calm there a hit or miss there quiet agressive.
I have Mollies and Guppies in my tank with Platies and they get along very well, though both are live bearers as well, so if you don't want them to have young, be sure you have same-sexes.
tiger barbs are very mean they killed my 3 feeder guppies (that i didnt want eaten) and my 2 ghost shrimp but are leaving my zebra danios alone

here is a chart for what fish are compatible with other fish...

hope i helped you